Chickynoid, server authoritative character replacement

Mario galaxy solves this by using swept spheres for mario.

Ah, so is shapecast the way to go?

Not yet, shapecasts are incompatible with this because of lack of margin support in shapecasts yet.
I’d update the swept collision code to do swept spheres, which honestly I think is probably not a big deal from this point.

Hey guys so, 2023 is ending and it seems chickynoid is also going to update to V2.0, so I would like to ask everyone, what were the best things you did with chickynoid this year?

I added stickers to the jumppads.

I mean I did a bunch of other things, but you asked the best thing I did?


this is truly the best update and will revolutionize society as a whole

Woah! So many friends to shoot at!


I can’t do anything becsause there is no documentation about it , sadly.


Excuse me, what do you mean by that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I got the basics for pathfinding working on chickynoid using a module called SimplePath, It is so cool seeing them walk towards their goals.

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Hey @MrChickenRocket, I was wondering if you ever plan to refactor Chickynoid v2 to be a Wally package, whose contents is set up under one single shared module and required by both the client and server.

I’ve used the Wally version for v1.5 for my own personal framework and I use dependency injection in it in order for the mods to reference it and work. I’d like to have the v2 work exactly the same by replacing the old with the new library.



How’d you do that? I clearly remember something about SimplePath being able to do Parts, but the last time I tried that, it would clip through corners of walls, and generally just look unpleasent.

I wish I could to that , but sadly I don’t understand anything about the module…
Are npc with chickynoid better than Roblox one with humanoid ?

Chickynoid isn’t an alternative to NPC’s, however if you want an NPC system that is optimized, I have heard that “Justice” is an NPC system that does that, Never tried it though.

Ok so it’s a bit tricky but let me explain, First I made a bot class using the Bots module as a blueprint that already comes in with chickynoid, it essentially does the same but in a more OOP fashion and returns the bot so you can manipulate it.

Then I made it have a table of functions it loops through and executes, it also generates the default chickynoid commands

After the bot is done, I made another class called ChickynoidAI, this class consumes a playerRecord and then generates commands for the bot so it can pathfind, first it sets up whatever pathfind thing i want it to do once the hitbox spawns, and adds a pathfind modifier and converts the hitbox into a model for it to work.

With simple path events it sets the class’s TargetWayPoint, this is a position, Then we program our bot to generate commands to walk towards it’s current TargetWayPoint like this

This is all being done on the older version of chickynoid as I have not moved to the new beta yet due to me not knowing how stable it is atm.

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I have no plan to - I personally dont use wally or even rojo, but if you make a PR ill review it :slight_smile:


So I pretty much finished the AI system, Ill release it as it’s own post for the public once its 100% tested.


Nice! I thought it had must have line of sight, but he followed u through the door…

What about jumping ? He did not jump through the window to follow you …

And attack ?

Cool work !

it does has collision based view, he cant see things inside walls, he saw me because he just faced towards the door and saw me again.

No sadly I have no idea how to make them jump, I literally just started learning about AI.

Attack is entirely possible by just writing up a command to the command table generated by BotThink function on playerRecords (same way i did it for walking)
