Chrome Notifications for All Users!

No I enabled it from my phone, and web bowser is “Chrome for Android”

Chrome-version is: 50.0.2661.89

Message push notifications are now live, as I just got a notification for one.

Good chance I will be reactivating group notifications via Merely’s group enhancer and remove Roblox+ as I don’t use any feature in it enough to keep it.

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And now they are available


I don’t use R+, but it seems to be less useful haha.

All ROBLOX needs now is Read-Only API that will let you check limited / full inventorys for players and be able to get their total RAP without having to use R+ API for it or use json tables from :smiley: (my hope)

Awesome! :smiley:

I seem to be getting double notifications if I do the following:

  1. Have Google Chrome closed and receive a message with it closed
  2. Open chrome and get the notification that I have a new message
  3. Click on it (and reply? I think that is relevant)
  4. Notification comes up again, with clicking it giving a broken message with no topic, no message, and the avatar being Roblox
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Thanks for letting us know, we’ll investigate

After a little bit of work, I found out what is causing this bug.

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Can confirm this is why the bug occurs. Just figured it out for myself and it turns out I was ninja’d 2 hours ago :joy:

Although, I’ve never actually had this bug, but I was aware the inbox notification didn’t disappear after opening the message directly from the chrome notification dialog.

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@TheNexusAvenger, @MasterDaniel: Thanks for the repro help guys!

Thank @NoahWillCode, he originally asked me in a private message on the bug, where I got better repro steps until I actually found the issue.

He’s sitting next to me, so I will