Over 600 Free Particle with CIX Library a Particle Library Plugin

What is Cix Library?

Cix Library is particle library plugin for roblox vfx it contain over 600 particles and it is free

Button for the showcase : Showcase

Why have this plugin?

Are you tired of searching among particle assets to create a vfx effect?
Are you tired of having a huge square full of particle assets on your land?
This plugin solve every of these problems and improve to workflow & efficiency of VFX Artists

Button for get the plugin : Nouveau projet

Wana change the colour of your Plugin ?

Here is a quick tuto for do it :
Nouveau projet (2)

Notice :warning::

This plugin contains Open Source texture

Crédit : @yhgttghyy For the Plugin
Big thanks to @ishenh1 for advertising and to all these online artists who gave their textures in open source without whom the project could not have existed


Cool plugin. Look forward to using it :grin:

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I haven’t seen any Plugins like this before. Pretty Cool

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Glad i got this for free, this’ll be pretty helpful for my VFX!

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These look great, but… uh…. are these particles yours? I have used a particle pack with like 200 particles for the past couple months that are great, but they look suspiciously close to yours. Like some are blatantly the same, maybe the pack I’m using stole the particles, or maybe you did. Just wondering

Edit I’m so dumb I reread the post you just collected the particles I think right you never said you made them. Whoops my fault

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For the number of particle im going to update it every week so add new features and new particles.
For the problem of stealing .Evrey asset of this library are open source.
The concept is to replace the big ugly rectangles on your world
and bring together as many particles as possible to make beautiful vfx

So yes i stole but he stole too

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Update V3

-Adding 15 new particles
-Adding 5 new flipbook particle

Update V4

The plugin can now be docked

Says " You need permissions to access this content"

So that allows you to sell stolen assets? If someone else stole a phone and sells it to you, you’re still in trouble. Is it ethical to sell assets that aren’t yours?

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Oh its open source asset so yes i sayed stole but it is not “stole” and right now i can’t sell this plugin so maybe it will be free

I was not eable to sell it so I made it free

Awesome Plugin good work! very useful

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