Clarification on code flagged for safety review

I could understand this change more if it were only done to published scripts and modules since everyone can see the source. From what I understand, it seems like even private scripts are going to be reviewed. I can’t see how this is going to benefit the platform in anyway if your the only one reading and writing the code.

What’s the point of this if there is some malicious script(s) in your game? Players will hand the game over to the moderators by reporting the content if it is seen publicly. I can prove this by reminding everyone of the “free robux games” that steal your password. They only last at most a day before players report the game and it gets taken down.

I think scripts should be left alone unless the players report the game giving some reason to review the game’s code or if the script is public.


Moderating the output would be for the client developer console, which any player can access, therefore it’d make more sense to moderate that output only, rather than all the scripts that only the game’s developers will see.

I cant believe I forgot that you could just open the console. I will remove that.

Yeah, I’m hoping that’s not the case either, I was responding to someone else’s potential concern on that front.

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This is because Roblox had two options with usernames that were inappropriate:

  1. Filter usernames retroactively. Anyone with a filtered username will either have their name randomized, or have to change it next login and won’t be searchable.


  1. Filter the search. Any searches that were filtered wouldn’t show results.

My account has also been deleted for words that were contained in a script… I had no previous moderation history on my account and I’ve even tried to appeal numerous times, and no luck.

People before used to have notepad tools ingame that didn’t filter and only had their game slapped with a ‘game under review’, they appealed, applied filtering, and kept their account.

Now accidently putting user generated content, over 1k people’s comments, into a table and put into the string can end up getting your account terminated with no appeal.

The game was even friends only while I was working on it. I would of caught that mistake of a swear word in my script and applied filtering approperately.

It’s fully demotivating to have your account terminated, lots of work on your projects, and loose access and denied to appeal again.

I’ve been full on backing up my Roblox devforum cookies because having a deleted Roblox account also blocks you from logging back in!!

Please help us with an appeal process! Being banned forever over a mistake is horrendous!


I mean even the word “Pipe” is censored in Searches, Descriptions, And Titles.


I’ll have to warn that Roblox has already applied this issue as my account has already been deleted over this issue.

I’ve tried to appeal my account that had no previous moderation history, just an instant account deletion, and they declined my appeal and all future appeals.

What do I do? I can’t log out of devforum’s or I’ll never be able to login ever again.
I can’t go back into my game and remove the words from the +1,000 comments that users submitted to me and I added into a table into a script…

I’m out of words.


When was your account deleted?

I am completely against this system as described - I do not understand it’s purpose in protecting players and it makes me feel very uneasy since a decent portion of my livelihood comes from Roblox. Others clearly feel the same. What’s even more disturbing is seeing others getting banned immediately. This is a waste of Roblox’s moderation resources.

Now I feel like I have to be on high alert and consider how my code could be perceived to an overseas moderator - hoping to not put something that would get my account deleted.

Frankly, Roblox has no business scraping a developers code when it’s not shared with the public. LocalScripts are a little more understandable but leave my server scripts out of this and invest more in anti-exploiting. This is an overstep of boundaries and I’m extremely unhappy with the fact that we’re just now hearing about this when people have been getting banned for months. Your mod team now has all of my API keys - not cool.

:-1: :x: :stop_sign: Lost of trust :-1: :x: :stop_sign:


They did not even announce this before it was a feature, But months after, If these updates continue I am leaving Roblox.


I’ve had user generated content from a Google Forum put into a table into my script.

Account got terminated in less than 3 minutes on a friends only game.

No previous moderation history, appeals all declined to apply filtering to the tables.

What do I do?


I feel like the number is actually the number of major incidents, while many more minor ones could be hidden, even by the moderators who made those mistakes.
If Nicko’s example here is indeed true, and to be honest, there is no reason not to believe him, then we might be witnessing some sadly typical for this site occurences, like major devs and games being given much bigger leeway and possibilities of appealing. Meanwhile some minor devs have way smaller chance of winning a “battle” against a moderator’s action.

I really hope they will, but at the same time it seems like it’s not their highest priority, either that or they are trying to come up with something that will satisfy the public. Although looking at the account which was used to post this topic they knew how big of a mess this will be and/or decided that they aren’t going to change anything in this policy. This is basically their go to “uh oh, things will be bad” account.

On a more positive note it’s nice seeing dev forum community so united. Pretty much all of the replies give me more hope. Perhaps roblox will see us and do something.


This clarification was long overdue, but it does not give me ease of mind. I am firmly in support of the code that scripters write being theirs. If some person is able to access it just whenever they want, that is very unsettling.

Now, I’m not saying Roblox is out of their right as it is their platform, but it is not very pleasing to hear that scripts will be held to a certain standard. Roblox’s moderation has had a few events in which it was questionable, and that is very concerning.

I think there is a solution to those worried about their code. Code obfuscation was a practice that previously was looked upon as a weak defence against exploiters stealing code (which it did not really do that job very well). However, if users are concerned with the privacy of their code, I suggest the user should only ever publish an obfuscated version of their code. This solves the problem as moderation really can’t moderate something they can’t read. The drawback of this is that the development process is interrupted with an extra step, everytime you want to publish a change you have to take an extra step to obfuscate their code.

I personally believe code should only be held to its external effects. If it is printing bad stuff in the console, or deleting scripts it shouldn’t (in the case of free models), or building inappropriate structures, then at that point it should be questioned.

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Imagine getting terminated/banned if you write code “comments” in a “non-English” language and if a word looks inappropriate in English, but the word actually isn’t inappropriate in the language used. :eyes:

Does this mean that “comments” in code cannot be written in a developers primary-language if it is not English?


This is ridiculous. Swearing in a game would just get you a warning, or a small ban. Swearing in a script in which not a single other human can lay their eyes on causes you to be terminated permanently? When you appeal, Roblox gives you no recourse on their actions and just declines your appeal? I hope they actually care about this issue as much as we do, because this is starting to anger me severely. If you get any updates on the status of your ban, please reply.


I too can confirm that when moderation on an account happens, going through the appeals system is absolute pain unless you’re well known. At least considering that when I have tried to appeal, they just deny the appeal saying it was “correct action”. Any further attempts and they just say that they have reviewed the case before and deny to even review it again. Now that I’m aware that this system exists, I have got concerns that this may be the reason for the termination of my two accounts which I used to save Roblox place files at the time.


It was deleted on 1/15/2020 1:33:38 PM.
So Roblox had this game monitoring long ago and only now, two days ago, informed us that it’s happening.

I know it was the game that got me terminated because I’ve clicked ‘log out’ on the termination page, went back to the game page, and it says it’s ‘Under Review’.


Which with this terminations coming out, I’ve had my last account terminated over something on another website, now terminated over words in a script… Do I just start making an alt for every new game I make so I can just keep my main account safely? Not have to risk having my account deleted and just have a ‘teleporting place hub’ on my main place?

Is this really what Roblox wants me to do?


Are you filtering the input? And is it being broadcasted to people?

I would make a ban appeal. I’m not entirely sure. Sorry to hear you got banned!