Clarification on code flagged for safety review

Its sorta odd you can check the age of an account but you cant do anything with that info. If they dont want people doing this why show the age?


this is nearly pointless moderation, almost a waste of resources considering the urgency of other moderation flaws. what’s even the advantage of designing moderation to penalise developers first :thinking:

not that it’s necessarily a terrible idea, but i think in every case you would want to expend moderating resources… literally anywhere else.


an era of scripts with encrypted data is coming

I totally agree


It’s restricting users per say, under the age of 90 to join the game ultimately kicking them, I’m pretty sure it’s against TOS.

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Has everyone forgotten the fact that we are on their platform? They reserve the right to kick us off the platform at anytime, they reserve the right to shut down our places, ect… So, they can and will do what they see fit. Think of it as; we are guests in their house.


Well this just seems like a great way to push paranoid devs out of Roblox Studio’s script editor and towards external source management solutions so their scripts can be automatically obfuscated like hell to the point where it’s not even human readable.

I’m not that paranoid but this sure does make me feel really uneasy about the sensitive API keys and HttpService addresses I store in my scripts…


Unless this is for free modeled content only, I see no reason why anyone whatsoever should be able to have access to private scripts. Nothing to hide but it does make me uncomfortable know that an administrator can review my code at any time without me knowing.


Fully agree with @kni0002, don’t feel like this update was necessary. I mean, in reality I feel like code should at least be somewhat private as everything else in Roblox is moderated. I don’t think programmers are trying to hide anything, It just feels weird constantly knowing you’re gonna get moderated, even if your code isn’t inappropriate and it was a mistake.


I’m a beginner to scripting however like others I feel this is not a great implementation, especially if code is for a game etc and not going to be made free.

I feel if somehow it managed to get leaked, exploiters could use that to try and manipulate the game in some way. Also leaks could lead to other people taking that code and putting it toward their own use.

I’m seeing people reference to obfuscation, what is that exactly. As a beginner I want to be able to learn “the good way” eventually after I continue.

I’m also a bit confused by this post.


This is not at all what the update is about. I’m glad you went out of your way to try and clear up confusion but at least know what you’re talking about!

As others have already expressed quite thoroughly, this is a huge concern for developers for a multitude of reasons. This has nothing to do with keeping the platform kid friendly when the source is private, especially pertaining to comments and whatnot that have zero impact on the game.


Slow down there! So your saying this system has been in place for “many months” and your just now bothering to tell us?

Honestly, my code is MY code and not YOUR code. It shouldn’t matter if someone is “specially-trained”, whatever that means. The (potentially) private and closed source code is still being looked at by a outside soruce.

Many mistakes happen with the moderation system. Many people are banned for unfair or false reasons, why would this be any different then what we have seen in the past year from the moderation system.


REALLY? I understand the part about identifiable information, but not allowing discriminatory language is utterly useless. If the code is public inside of a module, I would get checking it over for that sort of stuff since children can view it.
But if it’s just in our own game, what’s the point? It’s not like we’ll be offended by what we’re writing, some of us (like me) just suck at variable names.


Roblox might be their platform, sure. But developers are essentially the backbone of the website, the only reason it still stands. Many developers on roblox use it to help them get through college, make money on the side or even live off their roblox income somehow. You can’t really just say “Its their platform, their rules, get used to it.” Its more “Their platform, our work.”

Roblox shouldn’t be punishing developers for writing something they can only see, nor should they fear that their “trade secrets” are going to be exposed, especially to people who might not be seen as trustworthy, given past situations of course.


I would agree, but if the platform went belly up for some reason, it wouldn’t matter.

Some of the implementations right now can be compared to what is happening with creators on YouTube; we have to play by their rules.


Keep in mind youtube also has to play ball with the content creators, which is why they also reach out to channels that represent the public image youtube wants to promote. Roblox is not doing that, they are merely telling us “this is whats happening,” nothing more or less.

It is best to wait for a follow up statement on this before people get all mad about it, as even youtube rescinds decisions sometimes


Ok fine, we are on their platform. But who was it who made the games? The developer! What is it that attracts people to Roblox? The catalog, no. The games attract people to Roblox. So the developers are what keeps Roblox afloat and without us Roblox will likely sink. Instead of using the “Think of it as; we are guests in their house.” You can instead think “We are in their house but we are being paid (DevEX) and providing food (games) for them, so it would be a bad idea to kick us out”


I never said because of one person, I didn’t give any specific reason for financial distress.

I know, its called hyperbole. I was pointing out how your statement was absurd, as unless all developers on roblox had their swear-full code exposed to the world, this is not something roblox should be worried about. Nor should developers have to agree to it and let roblox walk all over their hard work.


To be honest, I find this update to not only make me worry about what I write, but it makes me feel as if I will lose my creativity. There are times where I temporarily write swear words in my code as a joke for motivation, and the fact that I cannot do that because I will be afraid of getting myself banned is just obscure. Nobody is going to see my code, so why would ROBLOX need to take these unnecessary extra steps?


Wait until they start filtering numbers :flushed: