Cleaning up my codes system

I’m formatting my codes like this to practice string manipulation.

I recently made a codes system for my game, but it’s very messy and I assume there’s a better way to do it and clean it up. I’m using Pastebin to store the codes and I use an HTTP request to the raw site to retrieve the codes. I use the following format for my codes:


CodeName is the name of the code :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. CodeRewardType is the type of reward that the player will receive (Ex. Coins). CodeRewardDetails is the ‘amount’ of the reward type that the player receives (Ex. 5). An example is:


This function is what calls the one below.
local CodesDebounce = false -- This is so a player can't overload the HTTP requests
RedeemCodesRemoteF.OnServerInvoke = function(player, code)
	if CodesDebounce == false then -- Update Code List
		CodesDebounce = true
		local CodeList = HTTPService:GetAsync(URL, false) -- The URL is to an unlisted raw paste on pastebin
		local LastCodeSeparater = 0
		local Stopper = false
		CodesStore = {}
			local sTaRt, eNd = string.find(CodeList, ":;:", LastCodeSeparater)
			if sTaRt and eNd then
				if eNd ~= nil then
					LastCodeSeparater = eNd
				end -- These three lines are what goes to the StringStuff function which I'd like to improve.
				local CodeName = string.sub(CodeList, LastCodeSeparater + 1, StringStuff(1, CodeList, LastCodeSeparater))
				local CodeRewardType = string.sub(CodeList, StringStuff(2, CodeList, LastCodeSeparater))
				local CodeRewardDetails = string.sub(CodeList, StringStuff(3, CodeList, LastCodeSeparater))
				local CodeData = {
					name = CodeName,
					rewardType = CodeRewardType,
					rewardDetails = CodeRewardDetails
				table.insert(CodesStore, #CodesStore + 1, CodeData)
				Stopper = true
	until Stopper == true
	print("Updated Codes")
			CodesDebounce = false
	local RedeemedCode
	local Success, Reason
	for i,v in pairs(CodesStore) do
		if == code then
			RedeemedCode = code
			Success, Reason = CodeRewards(player,, v.rewardType, v.rewardDetails) -- CodeRewards is a function to give the rewards to the player. It works fine and I feel no need to improve it.
	if not RedeemedCode then
		return "Invalid Code"
	if Success == "Success" then
		GAEvents:Design(player, "CodeRedemption", RedeemedCode) -- This is a separate module I have to make it simpler to add events to GameAnalytics
		return true 
	elseif Success == "Not Error" then
		return Reason
	elseif Success == "Error" then
		GAEvents:Error(player, 5, "Code Error: "..Reason)
		return "Issue"

That function is not my main concern, this one is. I’m sure there is probably a better way instead of doing all these string.find's.

local function StringStuff(option, CodeList, LastCodeSeparater)
	if option == 1 then
		if string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) then
			return string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) - 1
			return nil
	elseif option == 2 then
		local arg1
		local arg2
		if string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) then
			arg1 = string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 1
		if string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1)) then
			if string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 2) then
				arg2 = string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 2) - 1
				return arg1, arg2
				return arg1
	elseif option == 3 then
		local arg1
		local arg2
		if string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1)) then
			if string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 1) then
				arg1 = string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 1) + 1
		if string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1))) then
			if string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 1)) then
				if string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 1) + 2) then
					arg2 = string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) + 1) + 2) - 4
					return arg1, arg2
					return arg1

This does function as intended, I just think that it’s an overcomplicated way of doing it. I’ve never really used any string manipulation before, I and thought this might be a good way to practice it.

Why don’t you put the string.find(CodeList, ";", LastCodeSeparater + 1) into a local variable right after you call the function StringStuff, so you can reference it easily compared to repeatedly referencing the entire line each time?

I never thought of that, thanks

There are much much much easier ways to do this. For example, since you are fetching codes from an external site, just make the codes into a JSON string. Therefore, when you fetch the string of codes, you can simply use HttpService:JSONDecode() and get a table of all the codes, what they reward etc etc.

With this approach you can turn your code system into around 2 lines of code.


Oh wow. I’ll look into it, thanks

Made a post to clear up any confusion if you had any :slight_smile:

I seriously can’t thank you enough :joy: