CleanTime - The Time Module


The Time Module by Swinsor


What is CleanTime?

CleanTime is a 100% free and opensource module to make your timers look nicer.

Instead of having it say 122 seconds, it’d say:
2 minutes, 2 seconds.

You can customise what appears before the timer and after the timer, and choose to have it so it shows all hours, minutes and seconds, or just the ones that are relevant (no zeros).

If you have a basic knowlege of coding, you can also change when it runs! EG:
The start of a minigame. (It is by default running on startup.)


  1. Go ahead and grab the model here!
  2. Place it inside of your game, preferably inside the GUI.
  3. Change to how you want inside of Variables catagory
  4. Enjoy!


Created by @Swinsor
Fixed by @Kotojo

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