Clickable block or part to change the material?

It would be a script, you can put it in ServerScriptService, and do you mean, allow the script to reference multiple parts or put the script in multiple parts?

btw sorry for answering late i was at gym

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reference multiple parts and if so ill put you on the solution

You can change directory to their individual locations


local part0 = workspace.Part
local part1 = workspace.Part.Object

and what would be the script for multiple parts if thats easier.

it’s basically copy+pasting the script into different parts, i don’t recommend it tho because if you update one script, you would have to update all of them

would it work if its inside a model?

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yea, just make sure that you give the correct locations for them


alright like this? image

no, those are strings, not objects. wait, send a picture of your workspace


or this image

Workspace like this image lol

kk image

which model or model(s) contains the buttons and receivers



ok, referencing the button and receivers should look like

local button = workspace.hallways["breach system"].buttonbreach
local reciever = workspace.hallways["breach system"].neonbreach

although, the code has to be edited a bit because there’s mutliple neonbreach objects

local reciever = workspace.hallways["breach system"]:GetChildren()
local button = workspace.hallways["breach system"].buttonbreach

local cd = button:FindFirstChildOfClass("ClickDetector") or"ClickDetector") -- find a click detector, if it can't find one, it will make one
if not cd.Parent then cd.Parent = button end -- if the script created a clickdetector then it will set it's parent to the button

local recieverIsEnabled = false -- default value for the reciever
local neon = Enum.Material.Neon -- the neon material
local smoothPlastic = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic -- the smoothplastic material

    if not recieverIsEnabled then -- if the reciever is disabled
        recieverIsEnabled = true -- set the value of "recieverIsEnabled to true"
        for _, v in pairs(reciever) do -- loop through the reciever table
           if v.Name == "neonbreach" and v:IsA("BasePart") then -- if the object's name and class is "neonbreach" and "BasePart" then continue
              v.Material = neon -- set the material to neon
        recieverIsEnabled = false
         for _, v in pairs(reciever) do
           if v.Name == "neonbreach" and v:IsA("BasePart") then
              v.Material = smoothPlastic
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okay your a god it worked thank you so muchhhh

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