Currently EditableMesh skinning support is unfinished, and not yet enabled. But when it is done, that’s the plan.
It’s certainly not what I expected! Thanks for the report, we will look into it.
Sure, here’s a small sample that makes an EditableMesh cube and adds it to workspace so you can see it.
Code sample to make an EditableMesh cube
-- LocalScript
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
-- Given 4 vertex ids, adds a new normal and 2 triangles, making a sharp quad
local function addSharpQuad(emesh, vid0, vid1, vid2, vid3)
-- AddTriangle creates a merged normal per vertex by default.
-- For the sharp cube, we override the default normals with
-- 6 normals - a new normal to use for each side of the cube
local nid = emesh:AddNormal()
local fid1 = emesh:AddTriangle(vid0, vid1, vid2)
emesh:SetFaceNormals(fid1, {nid, nid, nid})
local fid2 = emesh:AddTriangle(vid0, vid2, vid3)
emesh:SetFaceNormals(fid2, {nid, nid, nid})
-- Makes a cube with creased edges between the sides by using normal ids
local function makeSharpCube_splitNormals()
local emesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMesh() -- creates an empty EditableMesh of unbounded size
local v1 = emesh:AddVertex(, 0, 0))
local v2 = emesh:AddVertex(, 0, 0))
local v3 = emesh:AddVertex(, 1, 0))
local v4 = emesh:AddVertex(, 1, 0))
local v5 = emesh:AddVertex(, 0, 1))
local v6 = emesh:AddVertex(, 0, 1))
local v7 = emesh:AddVertex(, 1, 1))
local v8 = emesh:AddVertex(, 1, 1))
addSharpQuad(emesh, v5, v6, v8, v7) -- front
addSharpQuad(emesh, v1, v3, v4, v2) -- back
addSharpQuad(emesh, v1, v5, v7, v3) -- left
addSharpQuad(emesh, v2, v4, v8, v6) -- right
addSharpQuad(emesh, v1, v2, v6, v5) -- bottom
addSharpQuad(emesh, v3, v7, v8, v4) -- top
-- Because we override all of the default normals, we can remove them
return emesh
-- Create the cube and preview MeshPart
local emesh = makeSharpCube_splitNormals()
local previewMesh = AssetService:CreateMeshPartAsync(Content.fromObject(emesh))
previewMesh.Anchored = true
previewMesh.Position =, 5, 0)
previewMesh.Size =,5,5)
-- Add the preview MeshPart to workspace
previewMesh.Parent = workspace