[Client Beta] In-experience Mesh & Image APIs now available in published experiences

For erasing things, there are a few options:
You can use Enum.ImageCombineType.Override and a transparency of 1 with EditableImage:DrawCircle or EditableImage:DrawRectangle.

For something like EditableImage:DrawProjectionImage you can use Enum.ImageCombineType.Multiply and Enum.ImageAlphaType.LockCanvasColor with pixels with no alpha where you want to erase them.

A more explicit erase option is something we could consider but I’m slightly worried about some inconsistency in how it would work for the primitive drawing methods vs the more advanced drawing methods might make it confusing.

Custom combine types would be hard to implement in way that wouldn’t have too much performance overhead for crossing the C++ to Lua bridge for every pixel.


How would I use Enum.ImageAlphaType? I was assuming at first that it would be included in the options dictionary for EditableImage:DrawImageTransformed, but at the moment its usage is not documented anywhere.

The fix for rendering completely flat planes is now enabled, please let me know if you’re still having issues with it


Cmon guys, locking such a game changing feature behind having to submit an ID is insane. Please revert this.


May I ask you have you managed to get 20 pixels per 1 frame? Best method I know is 10 pixels from UIGradient.

Hi everyone!

ICYMI: We announced a new API – DrawImageProjected !

This allows you to add decals and images to assets, including avatar bodies. For more information, please check out our devforum post here.



ColorSequences can store 20 different color values. So if you make the gui 20 pixels long then each “part” of the gradient is perfectly distanced. I assumed it would have some weird interpolation issues but no it’s looks great.

Oh, so you indeed used it like 1 point = 1 pixel.
I used similar approach but scaleable, and it allows twice as less sadly.

When it comes to the EditableImage memory limits, how does it apply to client-side only objects? Say I use up the memory on one client for UI, would another client be affected by those limits?

The limit is per client so other clients would not be affected.

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This is a question from a 2 year old reply to the original announcement that was never answered and I am still interested if there will be plans to expand EditableImages to be used on more properties, like,

  • Beam.Texture
  • ParticleEmitter.Texture
  • Trail.Texture
  • ClassicShirt.ShirtTemplate
  • ClassicPant.PantsTemplate
  • ClassicTShirt.Graphic
  • Material.ColorMap
  • Tool.TextureId
  • Sky textures

For me I am most interested in the ShirtTemplate and PantsTemplate integration

Yes, this is planned:


Ok very nice thanks for the response

Hi, is there an update on meshes with Precise Convex Decomposition CollisionFidelity taking a very long time to be created?
Any estimated timeframe for a fix?

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does calling :Destroy on an editable mesh reset its FixedSize property?

I see a lot of people posting about using editable meshes for terrain generation. I am trying but the collisions seem to be off. Is there some way to recalculate the collisions?

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Note: I am using CollisionFidelity.PreciseConvexDecomposition which only appears to calculate the collision box when the mesh part is created and does not update as the editable mesh is changed.

Further Note: I updated my Roblox Studio and see a whole new behavior where my player now walks up some invisible object and then falls.

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I’m noticing that multiple EditableImages are incapable of updating their visuals at the same time within a single frame. Is this intended behavior? If so why?

I’m not sure if this is a bug or would be categorized as something else.

I was attempting to clone a editable image by doing the following:

local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local editImg = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(Content.fromUri(...))
local copy = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(Content.fromObject(editImg))

However, I get the following error: Failed to load texture

I’m curious if we’ll get a proper clone method or if the above method should work?

I would say that this is semi-intended behavior. It’s a known current limitation but something we want to improve. Updating an EditableImage is expensive from both a memory and performance perspective as we need to have another copy of the image and then send that over to the GPU on the rendering thread. Because of this, we currently have a hard limit of updating 1 EditableImage per frame to limit any potential performance or memory usage issues.

In the future, we want to make this and other memory and performance limits that EditableImage currently has more dynamic, so on higher-end devices or in experiences with less going on this limit can be throttled up. We wanted to start with the minimum limit so when we released this sort of dynamic throttling, we wouldn’t be breaking pre-existing stuff.

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