Client - Server event cooldown?

I’m not sure if there’s a built in cooldown for spamming requests to the server but if I have a remote event / function that when fired from the client automatically runs 100 lines of checks on the server and an exploiter spams this remote will it cause issues? If so do I have to add cooldowns on every remote or a general system that checks the remotes fired per minute or something?

Been deving for a good while I just never really considered if this could be exploited and didn’t have a built in function to stop it from causing issues if it even does.

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While not required, I always implement some kind of rate-limiting for any remotes that I think could be exploited for any reason. I believe it’s better to be proactive than reactive.

If it creates 100 parts, then yes. If it prints 100 times, then probably not.

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Alright thanks, was just wondering if there was a built in rate limiter on remote fires, I’ll probably add a check when remotes are fired and if they’ve fired like 250 (or whatever amount is far above normal) in the last minute or something I’ll kick them.

Hopefully Roblox can get their anti-cheat working as it was intended, it wouldn’t even be a concern then.

There is a built-in rate limit, but it’s pretty high, and you can’t change it.

Here’s a module I found that is similar to what you’re asking: CooldownCache - easily create cooldowns on remotes!

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