Clone() function doesn't loop

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I’m making a mining system for my game. When the boulder is broken it should drop a random amount of rocks (rock is a tool with a single handle part)
  2. What is the issue?
    The rock only clones once.

the script is inside of the boulder

local replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local rock = replicated.Rock:Clone()
local rockamount = math.random(2,5)

if health.Value == 0 then
		while rockamount > 0 do
			rock.Parent = workspace
			rock.Handle.Position = boulder.Position
			rockamount -= 1
			print("rock dropped")
		print("destroyed boulder")

So this is what your code is doing:

local replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local rock = replicated.Rock:Clone() -- Cloning rock once
local rockamount = math.random(2,5)

if health.Value == 0 then
	while rockamount > 0 do
		rock.Parent = workspace -- Parenting the single clone each iteration
		rock.Handle.Position = boulder.Position
		rockamount -= 1
		print("rock dropped")
	print("destroyed boulder")

What you’ll want to do is something more like this:

local replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local rock = replicated.Rock

if health.Value == 0 then
	for i=1,math.random(2,5) do
		local newRock = rock:Clone()
		newRock.Parent = workspace
		newRock.Handle.Position = boulder.Position
		newRock = nil
		print("rock dropped")

Make sure to set instance variables to nil when you’re done using them so that they may be garbage collected.

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