Hi there! I am offering my services as a Discord Bot Developer and as a UI Designer. I have been making bots for 3 months on Discord and have been making UIs for 6 months! I am working on Terrain Battle and many other cafe/hotel groups.
It can announce stuff…
A fire command which sets the target users rank in the group to 1 and has fire logs (can be in a different channel) There are also setrank, promote, shout, and demote commands and logs for all of them.
I know how to use noblox.js and discord.js. I only do moderation bots and roblox bots and things related to that, I cannot do fun bots at the moment.
I will host your bot for free on glitch and will try to keep it online using Uptime Robot and FreshPing but you can host it yourself if ya want.
I am available for 5 to 6 hours of work on the weekends and 1 hour on the weekdays. You can contact me any time, and I will respond once I am online.
Prices are negotiable. My only payment method is Robux.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: Puppy21234567890#6073
At the very minimum, screenshots showing the bot in use should be public. You wouldn’t trust a service provider if they provided minimal details about their actual services without you having to directly contact them (which can be time consuming if you’re scouting lots of sources for one very specific thing).
Hmm… There is nothing in this portfolio that provides examples of such which would tell us how advanced your knowledge is for DiscordJS.
Also running GLitch and Uptime Robot does NOT guarantee data storage and/or permentant uptime towards the bots, do you run a database service with this??
I would suggest programming a 4 - 5 minute interval that calls a console print out to keep an uptime, plus glitch is very easy to hack into, I would look into firebase where you can setup security layers towards it to block out hackers.
Also do you have any other screenshots of your UI work? the one you provided seems a little bland and plain without much detail being put into it, as it’s just a roundify plugin with 1 frames, 3 textbuttons and a textlabel in the one you provided as number one, do you provide services to add icons to the player shops at all? is the feedback system connected to discord? if so is it following guidelines? I would look into automatically adding items to the Shop using scripts as this can save time if you update the prices, name or icon of them.