[Closed] Drawing Your Roblox Profiles

My sister bagelcat4 saw the profile picture and wanted one for herself so she bought the gamepass xD. She isnt however a devofrum member so Im posting for her. Heres her avatar Screenshot 2021-02-14 205458 heres proof:


Here is the fixed version :slight_smile: :

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I noticed that she changed her avatar up, so I will do that one :slight_smile:

Here is your sister’s profile @Rexxxy_Pro:


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Oh sorry I haven’t check my phone, she specifically asked for that aviator to be drawn. So sorry I should’ve mentioned this. Is it possible you could do the one in the picture?

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Love it! Thank you so much! If I ever need another avatar drawn I’ll make sure to come to you!

Dang the price changed, You’ll be hearing from me soon once I get some extra robux :slight_smile:

I would like to have this for myself. Should I just buy that game pass and post a photo?


idk im not the artist, i think you buy the gamepass and send a screenshot of proof saying u bought it?

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Hey! Are you still doing drawings? If you are, please message me and I’ll buy it! (I’ll buy it on my other account once I know if you’re still doing them!) Thanks! :heart:

You don’t even have to send proof lol

Yes @GroupAccount_9601, I am still doing them :slight_smile:

Okay, thanks! I’ll buy it in just a second! on my main account. Can you draw @iiNickq’s account? Thanks!

Alright, just bought it on @iiNickq account. I also see that you raised your price, I’d honestly pay more for them!

Ok! It will be done sometime soon, along with one other!

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(I know you said you didn’t need evidence, but here ya go!)

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I bought the profile drawing gamepass!

Hi i brought the gamepass aswell!

Ok! These will be done very soon!

Drawings closed until I catch up. Please be patient. Thank you.