[Closed] Drawing Your Roblox Profiles

@DyIanPickIe Hello there, I just brought the gamepass twice. I really like your art style! Can’t wait for my avatar!! :woot:

Hi I want to buy one, for my friend, Hydrinated! I’ll buy It once you show me It with watermark.

just to prevent scamming

Oh, And here’s his profile!

I bought the gamepass. :slight_smile:

Closed until I catch up on drawings

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Profile drawings are now closed until I catch up

I love this :open_mouth: :heart: thanks man!

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I bought it! Thanks for the amazing work you are doing.
My avatar is gonna be a difficult one :smile:

Look amazing, Highly recommend!

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What do you mean by that? Honestly I have no idea what an old roblox pose is

Dont forget me! I was before him!

Yes, I did not forget you, but i was just asking him

Ok! I can wait! Oh If you havent started mine yet, could I be wearing the ROBLOX madness face? If you already started, then it is fine.

No I havent started it yet, you can put it on! :smiley:

Honestly you should raise your prices, even if just by ten robux.
You do an amazing job but sadly I don’t have the means to buy one right now, plus my avatar…trash.

A lot of people are saying to raise my prices. Vote if I should, or should not:

  • Raise Prices
  • Do Not Raise Prices

0 voters

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I am going to change my avatar
to black themed outfit with black wings

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