Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see the new features but I got a question, do you think I can get my account back? my account was recently hacked and I sent a roblox support email and nobody responded.
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I’d love to be added to the beta program!
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I would love to be added to the beta program.
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I want to be added to the beta program. I would like to help test the beta features!
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I want to be added to the beta program.
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I want to be added to the beta program.
Thank you for the opportunity, this will be fun being a Beta Tester
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I want to be added to the beta program.
I got accepted. Thank you alot Roblox!
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I want to be added to the beta program.
tysmm i didnt know whats coming but now im in
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I want to be added to the beta program.
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I want to be added to the beta program.
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I want to be added to the Beta Program
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I want to be added to the beta programme.
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I want to be added to the beta program.
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I want to be added to the beta program.
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I want to be added to the beta program
Username: imanuggetgod
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I want to be added to the beta program.
Username: Dylandillan155
Thank you
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I want to be added to the beta program.