This portfolio is no longer in used.
This portfolio is no longer in used.
Wow, I’m absolutely amazed at your work!
One thing I noticed though was that a couple of the renders seem over-exposed. You could tweak with the shadows and the lighting to make sure there isn’t a glare on the avatars.
Aside from that however… for just a month’s experience, you’re definitely skilled! I’ll be sure to hire you in the future for a commission.
Thanks for the advice! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. I’ll look forward to working with you in the future if needed
Thanks! I also accepted your friend request
Hmm, I like your work!!!
My discord is :Dev_Polke#2120
Thanks and I added you back
I purchased two advertisements for a total of 200R$, very happy with my decision to choose this artist. If you are thinking of hiring please consider it!
Great work! (
Thank you so much for the support! I appreciate this
Thank you so much for your compliments! Always nice to hear motivation. I’m only a month experience and it only takes me at least a day to complete them. So I’ll leave the price like this. Plus I like keeping it cheap to offer small groups a chance to receive something nice.
Maybe I’ll take your suggestion in the future when I’m confident it’s good enough.
On the extra note, you play the violin?? It’s great to find someone else who can play an instrument!
Thank you so much for your support!
Portfolio has been revamped
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Game Passes Payment:
Personal Website: (Highly recommended to check out. More recent work is on there)
Custom Websites are a thing now Check out the website section
Hello id love to get in touch with you. GoldDev#2419
Hey! I’m interested in your work I was wondering if you are still available for a thumbnail? If you can Contact me Via here on the dev forum or on discord @RedBubba41477#1090.
Hi! I’m currently closed from any commissions but if you’re looking to discuss feel free to join my server link under contacts.
Hello! Unfortunately, my commissions are closed You can contact me when my commissions open again though!
Tsu is absolutely AMAZING at everything she does. Most humble and kind person ever! Please consider commissioning her to support!!!
Have been working with her & still working. Must say a very skilled GFX artist and watermark designer, not taking her too long to respond & she is always active. Very recommended
I really hope you can do a thumbnail for my game, your work is outstanding!
I’ve sent you a friend request on discord iiTypixalGmrii#5332
Hello! I’m actually closed on commissions right now Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey there, I joined the server and sent you a request. Discord: climberrr#6897