Hello, I am The Administrator of Stax Corporation, we are hiring developers in order to complete the first roleplay site. We have many future projects planned, but cannot be done with a small team.
Please take note we have a clothing designer, but we are looking for artists as well.
The Team
@BlackStarIndex - Programmer
@XxAviaRWXxX - Programmer + UI designer
@NathanGam_ez - Builder
@Czubazizak - Modeler
@yinqin766 - Builder
@TanadeFavGy - Builder
I am looking for 1 more builder, 1 programmer and 1 modeler.
You must be over 13, and is active in discord. We use discord for communication, and it is recommended you can talk in VCs. You should be able to work as a team, and work for 2-5 hours per day.
As a builder, you should know how to build detailed and realistic rooms and hallways, minimize the use of parts, and make sure the theme of the site is correct.
As a programmer, you should be able to read and understand hard pieces of code. You should also organize your code, and script it in an efficient way.
As a modeler, you should be able to model guns, chairs, tables etc.
As we have just started, we are looking for long-term relationships. You will all get paid, but please DM me the amount that you would want. You won’t get it right away, but when we have sufficient group funds you will get paid.
I know that this type of payment is not trustable, but we are a starter group and needs developers.
Contact us
My discord is sitemaster007#7721, DM me in discord and send me your portfolio if you want to join us. Thanks!