[CLOSED] Hiring Animator

About the Job

Hey! Nightmare Studios is looking to develop a relationship with an animator to work with us on a series of character animations for a couple undisclosed titles. We’ll provide you with work at a steady pace over time.

For context, most of the animations we need done now consistent of spellcasting motions for a character.


Numbers are negotiable and scale with the quality of your work, but for starters I’ll offer 2k R$ or USD equivalent per animation. The title says 10k+ because we currently need several animations and will need more over time

Contact Us

Feel free to apply with your portfolio via Devforum DM, or you can get ahold of me at:
Twitter - WrathsongHS
Discord - Wrathsong#5087

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Hello, I’ve seen some of nightmare studio’s games and am interested in applying. I’ve sent you a friend request on discord, I’m Shade#3487

I am interested. My portfolio: This is no longer valid

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