[ CLOSED ] Hiring developers for SCP genre

About Us

Hello, we are a small group based on the SCP genre which is currently hiring developers. If you don’t know anything about the genre, you can still apply as we’ll explain you everything you need to know before being able to work properly. Note that we’re mainly working on a Sci-Fi theme.

Project Lead
@MakotoNaegiBuild - The Administrator (Owner of the group)
@CalumChris - Overseer of Manufacturing Department (Leader of the department in charge of development)
Post Maker
@gasppirateur1113 - (I’ll be there if you need answer to some questions about the job but I will not chose those who pass or fail application.)

You can look to our group there.

About The Job

We’re looking for experienced scripters and builders for build our main game. Any past experiences in the genre or in a Sci-FI genre will help you to get accepted easily.

You’ll receive tasks that you’ll have to complete in a defined time according to your


You’ll be paid every months according to the amount and the quality of task that you completed.
We are offering 1k - 1.5k of robux weekly.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in this job, you can contact us by :


support@makotonaegibuild.com | With the following subject according to which category you’re applying for. |

Scripter Application or Builder Application


By sending a message to DeclaredSins#1000 or u3no#9819

This is concluding this recruitment post. If you’re interested in the job, feel free to apply. If you have some question feel free to send a message here and I’ll try to answer it. Thanks for reading me, have a nice day!


  • Changed payment per month to payment per week.
  • Changed mail + Discord tags
  • Closed, thanks to everyone who contacted us

I think 1k-1.5k is pretty low for this jobs


Ten - fifteen dollars a month to create what appears to be a massive game? That’s a really, really low price. I’d aim for at minimum 5k a month.

I Think 5k for month is low too they maybe need percentage or something else


1-1.5k a month is WAY too low. Most groups will pay upwards of 30k a month.


I agree with the others, 1.5k is too low. Change it to around 7-8k, minimum.

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He said 1-1.5K per week, not per month so that would be 6K per month, not great but better.

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I’m potentially interested in this job, but could you mention some of the jobs the builder would be doing? Like, building a full map or just a small area?

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Alright, talked a bit with the owner so I can tell you what you would have to do.
It would be a full map build. It would be made by exemple of
For builders

  1. Outside terrain
  2. 4 Sectors with a different hallway style for each + Containment cells for entities + Spawns
  3. Some bigger rooms such as Class-D (Test subject) cells, cafeteria etc…

For Scripters

  1. Script a menu
  2. Script entities
  3. Script some features such as generators, servers, alarm, etc…

Notice that it’s a small prevision of what is planned so if you want me to go more in details, feel free to tell me to do here, i’ll answer you with more precision.
(You would not make it lonely of course)

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By entities you mean SCPs, correct?

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He changed that, it used to say 1-1.5k per month.


1k-1.5k robux is way too low, it’ll be better if it was around 3k-5k weekly.

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I’m interested, sent you a friend request on discord name is xuyki#6831

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I’m interested!
Discord : SimplyDeveloper#3013
Portfolio : uugnut6’s portfolio

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I think a max of 1.5k robux weekly is decent for a startup group tp pay their devs however, if we compare and contrast it to the amount of work you need to do, we run into some problems.

I’d be willing to work though, so contact me if you are interested.


Im interested I contacted you on discord.

Oh, Simo quit from the SCP Game.

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