[CLOSED] Hotel builders and scripters

Hello everyone! I’m searching for builders and scripters.

What is Olympia Hotels?
Olympia Hotels is a brand new hotel company in Roblox searching for player quality at all times trying to keep and staggering quality. At the moment, me the CEO, I’m the only member of this group, that’s why I’m searching for developers to help me build a hotel so we can have guests as soon as possible.

But, you have no members, why should I join?
Every company has to start from the beginning, once the hotel starts it’s construction, I will start advertising the company on various places to try to get as much members as possible.

How much will you pay?
Until we get a few group fundings I’ll pay you from my own robux, this means I won’t be able to pay you a lot but I’ll try to keep over 45R$ a month, once the group is fully running you will get paid 80R$-100R$ a month, also I’ll give you extra robux if you need them. :slight_smile:

First hotel information
The first Hotel will be located at Avenue Diagonal in Barcelona, Spain. The hotel will have 2 wings, one of them will be 4 floors tall and the other one 7+ terrace. The complex will have a total of around 50 rooms. Also there will be amenities such as Pool, Gym and restaurants.

How to contact?
You can join the Discord server: Discord
You may also contact me directly on Discord: PonzPlays#5450
And finally you may also contact via Twitter: https://twitter.com/HotelsOlympia

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this.
Regards, Gamy, CEO of Olympia Hotels.

Those prices are WAY to low! You gotta raise your prices if anybody wants to work for you.

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I can pay a maxium of 50R$ a month, not more.

I am interested, my name is alexfinger21#2246 on discord!

Honestly, @D3V_Pop is right. Those prices are WAY too low if you’re looking for a good hotel built like that. That’s like two percent for the builder. It’s best that you learn building yourself and build a quick game to get your group up and running so you can have enough revenue :smiley:

Good luck with your future games :DD :+1:

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Thanks for your feedback, I’ll look into it.

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Send me a message PonzPlays#5450

50 per month?? I’m paying my devs 10k per month. You need to raise it to at least a thousand for anyone good to work for you.

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I would like to do that but sadly, I can’t.

I have a question, is it going to be % with the 50 per month? Or just 50 per month, if it is that with no %, the most honest thing you could do is pay with % instead of such a small amount.

Interested in scripter, no discord, portfolio: [OPEN] Experienced scripter

45 robux? Essentially making people work for like 20 (less) cents per hour? In the poorest of countries you can get paid more per hour. Please fix these prices or just don’t make a project with prices like this.

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