[CLOSED] Isla Hotels is looking for a builder!


Isla Hotels - Builder Position Open

About Us

Hello! Isla Hotels is a new hotel group on Roblox. In order to launch, we need a builder to construct our hotel. Isla was founded on March 23, 2020. (“Isla” is “Island” in Spanish.)

The Team
@zeauqic- Scripter & Owner
@Holy_Frost - Co Founder

About The Job

We are looking for a deciated builder that can deliver a completed hotel build (both terrain and the build.) We are looking for a low poly-styled hotel with at most 7 floors, a restaurant, a clothing shop, an indoor pool, a waterpark with mini-shops, and a VIP island.

Examples of styles we like


Though we do not have a strict timeline, we do expect that progress will be made on the hotel each day. We would like to release the hotel before summer, in addition.


Payments will be made in increments in either USD or Robux (you cannot switch between the two.) We will not pay everything upfront, but are fine with paying less than 51% of the total as a downpayment. We will pay up to 100k Robux or $200 USD total.

Contact Us

If you are interested, contact me through the Developer Forum or on Discord (@edwarddd#0001). Please be prepared to show examples of your work. We will hire the person who we see as the most beneficial to our group.


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Hello! I’m extremely interested in this job! I’m a 13 year old builder, but I can’t script at all meaning if I was to take this on nothing will be scripted, meaning the doors, water slides, etc.

Here is my portfolio: [OPEN] iconicfannys modelling + building portfolio

I can create a lovely outdoors and a hotel, like NOVA’s if that is the style you want!
I see you work at Blau, I did as Iifevibes, TheDolphinDev. I was best friends with TheSharkyDev a developer at the group! (a year ago) We still are friends and I learn quite a bit from it!

I can get the hotel done by April 30th

DM on discourd: iconicfanny#9999

I am interested. I sent a friend request.

What is your Discord username and id?

Interested, I have sent you a friend request on discord.

April only has 30 days lol. Sorry for correcting you but I thought maybe that would be important for you to reconsider a date.

I’m interested in this job please dms me Dev_Dad#4800

I have sent a request im Sam,#0001

@edvwards my user is q_arn#4563

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