Hello! My name is S_w1ft. The Owner and Administrator of the largest group-based SCP:F in ROBLOX currently. My development team of 15 talented individuals are looking for a terrain builder/designer who specializes in realistic style work which’ll suit our genre.
Group :!/about
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The Team
Linked is the Manufacturing Department acting as the “development team”.
We boast an extremely diverse team of developers from: modellers, builders, terrain specialists, exploit specialists and general scripters.
Details on the Position
As I said earlier, we’re looking for a Terrain Artist/Builder. We focus on detailed, realistic style work.
Technical Requirements
You must be extremely experienced, providing you with plenty of specific work you can show to prove your skills. Most importantly you need to be independent. We won’t hand feed you exactly what’s needed, so you will need to work with the details you have to produce something awesome each and every time you’re given a job. You must also be versatile, you won’t always be working with the same landscape, and will, therefore, need to be adaptable. We completely prohibit free models and expect all your work including meshes are owned and made by you.
Example of a Job
Please see the following GIF.
Our builders are paid per job complete, priced depending on the complexity of the task as well as how long it took to complete. Unfortunately, we do not offer USD payment. For newer developers who are still getting used to being in the team, we’ll agree on a price for the job before it is sent over so both parties are happy - very much like a comms-style of doing it which gives much more freedom to the devs and lets you get used to the environment we have here.
Contact Us
Please contact me via discord at Swift#3113 . Reply below with your discord so that I can know who to accept.
Please feel free to respond with questions below!