[Closed] Needed a Scripter for a Clicker game


Hello! We are looking for a scripter to script our new upcoming Clicker type game with the name Realm Clickers.

What do we want you to script?
We want you to just script the main things for a Clicker game, like Button where you can click on, Clicks Leaderboard and GUI, Rebirths, Pet system, Pet Inventory, Settings GUI, Twitter Codes GUI and that’s it.


Payment depends on activity and progress have you made. We expect to pay you 10k - 25k upfront or if you want a game percentage earnings, you can go for it too, as i said, it still depends on activity and progress have you made.


If you are interested, having any questions and willing to work with us, please message me in Discord: Azurite#6256


Sent a friend request!

You may find my portfolio here


Looks cool.

I DM’d you.

Discord Name : ANDRO#7733

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