Closed until further notice
This is an interesting portfolio, definitely the first I’ve seen advertising services as a profitability ‘advisor’.
However, I’m a little unclear about what specific kinds of services you are offering. What exactly will you be doing that is deserving of 5-10% of a game’s revenue? Your advertisement only covers this vaguely.
This seems interesting. I might contact you with a game idea I’m working on.
I’m curious, are there any requirements for the people you’re looking to work with? Are you also willing to provide funds for advertising?
I can’t seem to add you. My username is dantheprogram#4494
Can you provide your statistics on ARPU and ARPPU. Those are the actual important statistics for an “economic adviser” when dealing with games.
I wish I could get you those statistics but sadly I cannot currently Monthly Game Stats Broken although the last time I checked in June it was around 3-4 ARPU
Even if you dont have GameAnalytics enabled for your game, could you please explain how you will raise my ARPU from a low number to atleast 2.3?
You are offering a great service that a lot of game developers can benefit from, the only thing that worries me is that you have no working portfolio provided. Visits actually have no correlation to monetization strategies and furthermore you are mentioning some Youtuber who gave you ‘fame’ makes it look like you got a lucky break. I would really suggest either removing that or revising it to explain how YOU made your game succeed in the first place. Also, you do mention
as evidence of your Monetization strategy working but whatsoever cannot provide your Monthy stats. As of now, I can access my Monthly Game Stats but if for some reason it doesnt work for you, I would be very hesitant to post this DevForum. As said, this is a great service that I and many others would look for, but alas without any evidence corroborating your statement, this can also be a scam.
Like I said in the post, the first 1,000,000 Robux made by me helping is not charged at all. I cannot provide statistical evidence outside of revenue and recurring visits since my game stats are broken. My profile should be enough to show that this is not a scam.
I’ll just throw out the fact that @wravager has been on the forums quite some time and has built strong relationships with trusted and influential people. Just about anybody who has met him and/or worked with him can vouch that he is an honorable guy. If your only concern here is that wravager could be scamming, you shouldn’t be worried.
Not to mention that he is not charging until after 1,000,000 robux have been made (as said above).
If you don’t know your discord account isn’t accepting friend requests, if you didn’t do this on purpose it might make it harder for potential customers like my self to reach you.
He will be helping you to make sure your game is a success.
Not interested, but I want to applaud you on your amazing portfolio. Best I’ve seen in a while.
Hi wravager, i have sent you a message, i would like to speak with you about this.
This interests me, would you be willing to help a restaurant group, it has potential with it’s fully developed games but we lack funds and market advice. Please get back to me.