[CLOSED] [R$1M-3.5K USD BUDGET; PRICES NEGOTIABLE] Hiring a 3D modeler for making several tracks for a kart racer

Project Summary
Before delving any deeper, a quick summary of the project: A kart racer, strongly influenced by Mario Kart. This project is scheduled to enter early access next month; we would like one or two tracks to be completed by then. After that initial deadline, we will discuss details of future plans, which will include many more courses being designed. Here are some previews of the game: x.com

The idea is that whoever is the designated track builder will agree on a certain price per track, and we will have that person make several tracks within the budget. After the game launches, we will likely extend the budget and have more tracks requested.

Task At Hand
For this project, we are in need of somebody who is very competent in creating entire track surfaces out of one continuous mesh. Although the track surface must be made up of continuous meshes, decorations can be separate models or even parts/unions positioned onto the terrain in studio. Walls that need to be aligned precisely to the track (i.e: the outer and inner walls of an upward spiral road) should be also modeled in that same mesh, but walls that do not need very specific positioning can be inserted as separate objects.

A good candidate for this position should be very comfortable in designing assets such as roads (something like this comes to mind: x.com , especially the second picture - notice the banking of the road and the connecting smooth off-road terrain) or skateparks with lots of steep slopes and smooth surfaces.

All of the technical details of integrating the road mesh and collision parts (using a wedgepart mesh importer) into the game will be handled by me.

As you would expect, payment terms will be negotiated in detail once we have gotten into contact with you. The range is subject to change, although you can expect payment to be somewhere in that ballpark. Payment is limited to exclusively robux or USD, no percentages.

The Team
Currently, this team is very small, but we are looking to add more talent to expedite the development progress and launch the game in a complete state soon. I have been working independently on the scripting for over a year now, but I have recently teamed up with Linkmon99 (Well-known YouTuber and the richest Robloxian) to help with planning and funding for the project. We currently have one modeler for creating kart and wheel parts, and we are also in talks with a UI designer and a composer.

If you believe you are fit for this position, please reply with links to images/places/portfolios that demonstrate your skill. We will review all submissions and then message you on the devforums with contact information if we find you fit.


Hi, I’m a 3D Modeler and I’m interested in this.

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I just have one question, aren’t you going to have collision issues with the track?

I’m not sure what you mean. The collisions will be done with invisible wedgeparts that mirror the shape of the mesh through a plugin. This is not part of the modeler’s work.


Still looking for applicants! Reminder: I am mostly looking for experience with 3D modeling software, not particularly Roblox Studio.

Sorry for bumping up the post again so quickly; changes were made to the pricing details. We are looking for applicants!

If anyone hasn’t seen fluff’s twitter page for this Kart game, they’re seriously missing out. This game is going to be incredible and I hope Fluff finds a fantastic map builder to make the game look awesome too :slight_smile:

@Squidzyee might be intrested in this.

It looks good, but I don’t work with 3D models, unless if they are provided of course and I will only need to put them together! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello, did you find your 3D modeler yet? Because I am up for hire. I am working with 3D modeling for about 6+ years and I have big experience in hard surface modeling. I have made a game called Full Throttle ( roblox game ) , made cars and what not there. I am doing 3D modeling outside of roblox also. I am also texturing.
This is link to my artstation, the portfolio isnt big but you get the idea : https://www.artstation.com/kreedz023

You can contact me on discord and we can talk there : kreedzzr#5393

This offer is now closed! Thanks to everyone that applied.

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