[CLOSED] SCP Area-39 Hiring Builder!


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Hiring Builder

About Us

Special Containment Facilities and the Area-39 Development Team is looking for a Builder!

You can play the game here for more information: GAME HERE

About The Job

We are looking for an experienced builder who can work to be the main builder for our new game ACF: APOLLO and Area-07. with ACF: APOLLO based on a more serious role play experience and Area-07 being for the more relax and gaining the most player base. you also must be able to provide updates weekly.

Needs and Requirements!

  • Experience with balancing detail and low-parts.
  • Completing work in a timely manner.
  • Ability to match builds with existing structures.
  • Optimizing builds to run in a large scale environment.
  • Usage of Mesh parts in work.

Further details about the needs and requirements will be brought up upon contact.


We are paying 80-100k R$ with the possibility of 5% Group Revenue.

Contact Us

You can contact us through a reply or the O5 Oversight, make sure to send him a portfolio of your best work upon dming him: ION#4040

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading!


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Here’s my portfolio: Builder | chariiox | Portfolio - #2 by 117aristocrat

Weird to see you here out of all places, lolol

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