[Closed!] Svmiyy | Roblox GFX Designer

Sure, what’s your Discord?

one second I will send it…

Commissions are finally re opened!!

its not how it seems like, expert designers are not just gonna export your avatar and pose it, sometimes they have to make rigs & their own lights, map textures, photoshop effects, sometimes u might find problems with the map & character u have to fix it by your own.

i know that its not just exporting a avatar and posing it, if its so difficult for yo then raise your prices 5x or 6x

its not how it works. if its too hard i wont do my portfolio I’d keep practicing till i learn alot and be good designer, and you cant just rise the price without any reason if you got alot of commissions then you can rise it.

i know its not how it works, you say that its really hard, so i say then raise your prices if you want to