I created a Discord guild because people are still asking me about accounts being compromised and people can impart good advice over there.
Note that although I don’t condone Discord’s ageist and stratificated practices, I’ve still chosen the site because of its ease of reach for most of us.
Over the decade and a half I’ve been on Rōblox, one of my biggest gripes with the platform is the lack of recourse for terminated accounts to appeal past the first try.
Update 5
@EpicC4Troll (“da_v__id” on Discord) wrote an update on some of the cases we’re pursuing. Some are working out well and others aren’t. Fortunately, there is progress.
Hello guys, It has been a while since my last announcement on this server. Rest assure that this is not because I forgot about you guys, but rather because of slow and thorough work done. Despite progress being painfully slow. I feel we’re still on track finding a simple, cost-effective solution to getting compromised accounts back in possession of their rightful owner. In addition to the assets of those accounts (Limiteds, Clothing, Games….)
Disappointingly, Roblox has rejected @rylie’s case twice. Despite Rylie still pursuing his case. It’s my opinion that his case succeeding to be very low. Since I did not want to update the server only regarding a negative event happening. I have waited for positive things to occur and as such. I’ll also be detailing those to end off on a good note.
Meet @jaslynsbf🧸 and @binobag. Two people who I am assisting and whose cases look very promising. Even more interesting to the people in this server is that their cases are not the same. Binobag is looking to get his unjustly permanently banned account back in his possession (banned due to sporting motorcycle attire). Whilst Jaslyn is looking to get Limiteds back into his inventory after his account was compromised. (editado)
Two cases which surely have lots of factors that relate to the cases of people in this server. If their cases succeed. We will be able to help you better and more efficiently, thanks to the knowledge we will gather.
Besides the account compromise / asset rollbacks getting back on track. I am looking for ways to expand this server even more. I am thinking of creating a ticket system were users can explain their case in detail. This with the assistance of bots to help automate the flow. If you’re an user who wants to help me with this. Please do send me a message. I am not all that Discord savvy so assistance is welcome.
Update 4
I wrote a complaint to the BBB, which didn’t warrant any good response:
In September 2023, I went to the annual Rōblox Developer Conference in San Francisco and physically sent the attached paper a list of accounts which Support were negligent to assist, along with the monetary (and emotional) damages suffered by each individual and a brief primer of what had happened. To collect the list, I recruited users on the Developer Forum to share their failed appeal process and re-posted them here: [https://discord.gg/prtjakdw9E] Terminated or Compromised Accounts: Compiling a List to Deliver at RDC.
I sent the document to an intermediary who then forwarded it to an event manager (Nicole) and a few other people. When I asked the intermediary afterwards, he said that Nicole didn’t even take a glance at the document and didn’t want a picture taken of her holding the document.
I’ve been reached out to by some of the people on that list who told me that Support continued to remedy their damages.
Update 3
The intermediary delivered my letter to Nicole, head manager of this year’s RDC. She and ‘her team’ were present and said they will ‘look into it’. My job is done.
Update 2
2023-09-08 14:00 PDT
Update 1
bans.pdf (220.0 KB)
Original Foreword
Over the decade and a half I’ve been on Rōblox, one of my biggest gripes with the platform is the lack of recourse for terminated accounts to appeal past the first try. I want to use my proximity to Rōblox’s headquarters to my and to everyone else’s advantage.
I’ll be heading to RDC in San Francisco this year and will make sure to physically send a piece of paper to Rōblox with a list of deleted accounts and a brief primer for how each was falsely terminated.
I’ll link QR codes to all the relevant social-media posts, as well as state an explicit request for Rōblox to notify each of those users of their reinstatement through email.
I will look for users on X and the DevForum which have publicly stated their failed appeal process. I’m posting here to keep a record of which users to include in my list.
In the event my thread gets locked, I will take direct messages as well.
Accounts to Deliver
In order of urgency and importance:
In July 2021, account was compromised of over 3,500,000 robux worth of items, with Ansii receiving an email stating that the password had been reset. Ansii postulates that his email account was compromised, and as such, the bad actors were able to use it to reset the Rōblox account’s password and bypass MFA security.
Asii tried to appeal for a rollback to support multiple times, but was repeatedly denied despite showing clear-cut evidence in the message.
Years of my time and effort on Roblox went down the drain.
On 2023-03-16, his account was compromised by two people with usernames ‘freedawrid’ and ‘a1kz81’, likely through deceiving the support team into transferring over 1,300,000 robux worth of items.
After recovering access to the account, 1eon found that his items’ value have greatly been depleted. 1eon made numerous rollback attempts, but support failed to act on that, even after posting the transactions and trades that made him lose those items.
A victim of a cookie logging scam, having lost access to a total of 500,000 robux from the account. Rōblox terminated the user who stole the robux, but did not give Katrist the stolen funds back since the account was not equiped with MFA at the time of theft.
I find it absurd because the Support team traced the account who stole my Robux, subsequently terminated that account but neglect returning my stole[n] currency.
On 2023-06-06, lost a decade worth of inventory on his account to a scam he fell for. The approximate robux value of all these items combined was in the upper six-digits.
Wong is a former game developer who planned to run a clan on Rōblox for a combat game that he liked. An attacker reached out and sent a malicious .obj
file which allowed Wong’s account to be compromised.
Whist the account’s owner was away from my computer for approximately 6-8 hours, the individual breached my account and traded everything to his alts. Two logins from Singapore and the US state of Virginia enacted trades on the account’s behalf, bypassing his password and email verification security measures.
He reached out to support and received ‘spaced out, generic contact center template responses that showed no empathy toward [his] circumstances’, despite clear evidence of ‘breaches from random geographic locations and suspicious trade activity’.
Roblox ultimately sided with scammers and did not care about the impacts to me, a long term financial supporter, player and victim. As mentioned before, there was no justice even in the form of consequences for an account blatantly engaging in scams.
On 2023-03-24, had his account compromised and his ‘valuable assets’ syphoned away. He lost roughly 500.000 robux worth of limited items.
Despite having taken ‘every security precaution’ to in an attempt to prevent what had happened, Ru5tey still has no clue how his account was broken into.
When he reached out in the past to the team responsible for rollbacks, he receives (and continues to receive) generic automated responses denying him any help.
User Ru5tey is a dedicated Roblox user whose history with Roblox goes as far back as 2013. Such neglect has left the user very disappointed. “You refuse me assistance with no actual time taken to look into my situation, which I find extremely unprofessional. I would like to receive my one time rollback”.
A few hours after being followed by user ‘GetLockedByChing’, PineFox’s account was stolen on 2023-08-27; MFA tokens were maliciously revoked and both his password and recovery email address were changed. Over 300,000 robux worth of items were seized.
His password was ‘extremely secure’, as was the PIN for multi-factor authentication. He hasn’t ‘downloaded suspicious plugins that could be cookie loggers’ either.
He received no email that would allow him to change my credentials back; just one notifying of his PIN being removed.
He’s already contacted Roblox Support with some screenshots of Pine working in Studio and his account settings on the website, which included the username.
I believe this user is targeting older accounts, stealing them, and selling them off. He claims to have over 200 “locked accounts.”
Support responded, apparently saying that the email record was ‘wiped’. They claim to have no record of a verified email on the account, despite Pine having previously verified two emails addresses.
The same breach also happened to one of Pine’s other accounts from 2010, with support unable to give access back to it ‘for some reason’.
Note: because Pine claims that the account data was wiped, possibly by a corrupt support agent, I’m urging Rōblox staff to investigate Pine’s complaint even more thoroughly.
All three-or-four alt accounts were terminated under false pretences for the same reason. Though, Lizzo’s main account is still intact. Each of those alts were used to hold valuable assets which Lizo doesn’t want directly tied with his main account.
In total, lost 400-600 USD worth of holdings, including ownership of a group with over 10,000 people.
To request the specific account usernames, you should get in touch with him directly.
Concerning a DMCA appeal that were filed in an attempt to recover the account of the same username. Skkrree was falsely terminated for breach of copyright law.
The takedown request in question was sent by Forever 21 and involves a hair accessory with the name ‘Barbi’ in its design. Rōblox likely misattributed Skkrree’s work to that of Mattel’s toy line Barbie. However, the appellant emphasizes that the name ‘Barbi’ is an artistic representation of a real person named Barbi Benton, whom he used as inspiration for the hair design.
Skkrree’s Appeal
Their Response
Falsely term’d unset the username ‘tarneks’ for using a free model on a previous account circa 2021; tried appealing soon after and got stonewalled. Both the free model and its creator were still in good standing months after his ban.
Lost 10,000 robux tethered to the account and access to a further 6,000 robux of group funds.
He warns that using free models is ‘honestly’ the easiest way to get an account terminated ‘for something you never did’.
A previous account ‘s2newton’ got terminated on 2022-03-12 for having accidentally inserted a free model with an ‘exploit script’ into one of his games.
Lost his account with the same username on 2023-06-26. One of the developers in his team ‘built something inappropriate’ as a joke and uploaded it within the place file to the clouds.
The experience in question was private and had no published versions. It was moderated within five minutes, after which the team removed the offending asset and quickly re-uploaded the place. About ten minutes later, Denik’s account was terminated.
Sent an appeal and received a boilerplate rejection message two days later. The replier falsely assumed that Denik, for example, owned the group of a company he was employed with.
In his view, getting a termination rolled back is ‘pretty hard’ if you, as a user, don’t have any popular social-media accounts to make your ordeal reach the dev-rel team.
Maliciously and falsely banned circa July 2023. The attacher convinced Opidas and @Export_Mesh to join groups that included an inappropriate game. Soon after they joined, they were given ownership – and were therefore held responsible for the attacker’s actions. The groups then got locked and the victims thus were terminated.
@Export_Mesh recently got his account re-instated.
Opidas posted on the forum to warn users to not join random groups and ‘keep in mind that there’s also a few more people that got banned by the same individual that is targetting specific people’. The attacker is able to continue due to his persisted use of alternate accounts.
Account got wrongly terminated circa 2021 with the username ‘skinny01legend’. Someone with write access to one of Calcifer’s games put an inappropriate model. Tried appealing; got nothing but ‘bot’ responses.
In the 5 years he’d been on the platform prior, he had never been given any warning strikes or temporary bans.
Fell victim to a trade scam on 2023-04-12 involving Discord and possibly trickery to release private API tokens. Then accidentally clicked an unrelated cookie-leaking leak on 2023-05-01. Losses involved a Super Super Happy Face worth 136,758 robux plus tens of thousands of robux more.
In both cases, support refused to reverse the charges, citing that completed trades can’t be reversed.
Account was deleted at 10 years old and had ‘tons and tons’ of historical and sentimental value. Despite having been terminated circa 2022, the lack of a second chance to appeal ‘still hurts’ one year later.
Had a friend whose account ‘crackxheaddd’ was terminated after having existed for three years for their choice of username upon creation. The user had never been notified to change their name, nor were they given advance compensation to do so.