[CLOSED] Tower of Dread Programmer | 100,000 - 250,000 R$

I cant friend you, add me on discord (LordBasw#4819)

Question: is the music in the game copyrighted?

Hey! I am interested. You can add me in Discord: name#8774

Can you send me a friend request on discord, i will amaze you

Hi, I can do the emote key bind menu!

and the spinning platform script! ( with pretty much no lag )

and more

Hey, if you still looking for someone, you can contact me.

Portfolio: [Closed / Outdated] Iggy's Portfolio (Scripter / GUI Designer)
Discord: IggyDev#5265

i can do a emote key bind system for 4000 R$ and a spinning system for 4000 R$ too i will contact you with discord if you are still interested in these system :slight_smile: hope you read this !

It’s just NCS released music. We used to have monstercat music that roblox uploaded though, but we removed it.

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Please message me on Discord:

I would love to know if I could tell you certain things in your list that I could do and for the price.

I’ve messaged you through the devforum! :slight_smile:

Alright! Send me your work and I’ll check it out.

Hey, staysail are you still in need of a lag-free spinning platform?

If the answer is yes here my discord: Jeanpaupaul#0446

Hello, I will like to become a scripter for Tower of Dread. Please send me a friend request so I can who you my work. My discord is (Phantom Blox#5231)

Hello! I would like to become a scripter for Tower of Dread. This is my portofolio

My Discord: ProgrammerDog#6388

Hello I am interested but i have to say a few things in dms. Discord:Gaming Plug#0823

@Staysail Im interested in this if its still open, please contact me on discord qweekertom#2367

I have found interest in working in your game. :smirk:
Hit me up on dizzy St_vn#3931

I am a pretty back-end scripter if I say so myself :sunglasses:

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In case you’re still looking for someone, I am available. And I think I can do most of the work you mentioned.

I prefer talk, and send you some of my work, through private messages. Here or through Twitter. Please, send me a message if you think I can help you!

hello can you add me on dizzy Hello Earth#9107

I will be happy to work with you

Hello, im currently interested in programming for this position, but your discord friend requests are closed. Please add me here: HDWC#4615