[CLOSED] Tower of Dread Programmer | 100,000 - 250,000 R$

@Staysail Hello there, I’ve read your post in DevForum and I want to say that I’m currently interested in programming for the Tower of Dread.

Alright. Send me links to your work in messages and I’ll check them out!

Hi, when I try to add you I can’t.

Try to add me: varjoy#4366

Alright sending now. Give me a second.

Hello, @Staysail I am a programmer I read what you needed and I can do all of that
my discord is: BanLloKei#1784 so yeah and here a small Portfolio I am still working on it but you can always tell me how to make it better!

Hello, I’m interested if you still need new interface? I’m very good with doing interface including using tweening and gradients, etc. so here’s my portfolio if you would like to see my UI work: CLOSED | Scripter and UI Designer | @TyPlays_YT Portfolio - #2 by 12904

I can accept 7,500 :robux: for new UI Work if that works.

I am interested and a programmer with 3 years experience. My discord: Inc_X#8975

Am a very very good 3d modeller, idk if you would need one but try adding me on discord: TheBlackGOD#9843

Are you in need of original audio?

Aye, possibly. Send me some of your work.

Sure show me some of your work

Hey! I’m a small game developer and anti-exploit developer from ATLAS games! I would love to help you out. However, you aren’t accepting new Discord friends. Try adding me! My name is Sync#3726

Hey do want a UI designer?
alan__nk__#0382 - discord.

I can work for cheap.

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I cant friend you, add me on discord (LordBasw#4819)

Question: is the music in the game copyrighted?

Hey! I am interested. You can add me in Discord: name#8774

Can you send me a friend request on discord, i will amaze you

Hi, I can do the emote key bind menu!

and the spinning platform script! ( with pretty much no lag )

and more

Hey, if you still looking for someone, you can contact me.

Portfolio: [Closed / Outdated] Iggy's Portfolio (Scripter / GUI Designer)
Discord: IggyDev#5265

i can do a emote key bind system for 4000 R$ and a spinning system for 4000 R$ too i will contact you with discord if you are still interested in these system :slight_smile: hope you read this !