Hi there! I am the founder of Staysail Records and the founder of the Tower of Dread. I’m looking for a scripter who can create new features for my tower game. We need an update, we are close to 50 million visits and I have a bunch of updated ideas I’ve came up with.
I am looking for a professional scripter to help with scripting updates. For example, pets or a custom stage builder. I will give more details once I find someone that will be willing to help. Good communication skills are appreciated.
I am paying 20,000-70,000 R$ for the custom stage builder depending on the complexity and depending on if you use all the ideas I have thought of. Pets will be 10,000-25,000 R$ also depending on complexity and how much you think your work would be worth. My preferred payment method is R$.
I also need help moving specific features like coin grabbing from my other game I was working on that didn’t do well, Tower of Dread 2. Or you can remake some of the features for the old game. I will pay accordingly whatever you think is fair. 10,000 R$ Seems fair to me.
You also may need to rescript a new Shop UI because right now the UI doesn’t look too good, Just script it no designing is involved. 10,000 R$ seems fair again once again.
Contact Us
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at Staysail#1540.
I can help out with the UI scripting, but everything else I’d probably have to take too time to do, so you would be better off with someone else. Add me on disc if you’re interested. Kdude#1774