[CLOSED] USAR Looking For Advanced Builder & Scripter (USD) (% AVAILABLE)

United States Army Looking For an Advanced Builder and an Advanced Scripter

About Us

Hi there! We are a United States Army that is currently under development and looking to add more developers towards our team, either for a one time commission or long term with an agreed upon percentage.

Position Requirements


  • High Poly
  • Map Design
  • Terrain Development

The builder will be responsible for creating the main base for the USAR, more information/pics of reference of the build style can be provided via DMs.


  • Capable of Scripting UI’s & Animations (+ if you are able to make either)
  • Rank to Card Door Access
  • TPS Gun System
  • Vehicle Programming (Preferred, NOT required)
  • Safe Zone Creation
  • Capture Points

These are a few of the things we plan to have scripted and want to ensure the Programmer is capable of, more tasks can be provided via DMs.


Builder: $75-100+ USD, negotiable

Scripter: $125+ USD, 25-30%, negotiable


Discord: SA1NTLY#0021

My DMs are usually busy, so if you don’t get a response, you can message me on devforum.

Thanks for reading, any questions I won’t hesitate to answer via DMs! :slight_smile:

I’ve sent you a friend request in discord my username is : 3MASTER9#6327

Interested in applying for the Scripter Position, Add me blvck#0001

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