[CLOSED]Looking For Devs' For Simulator

Closed The Topic It has been delayed


I can be a UI Designer, but I need a solid payment. I am not accepting %.


I know but if you don’t want to apply then don’t, sorry if that might sound rude, I didn’t mean it to be that way.

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Ok thats fair. Good luck finding people!


Greetings, I am interested and would be delighted to work with you. I have sent you a friend request on discord.


Intersted, BUILDER! Discord: Emily#3335


Hi! I see you need a GFX artist! Check my portfolio;


All spots are still open, today might be the last day you can apply for some positions.

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Well, I dont know if you hired me because you havent contacted me or anything.

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I know I saw your work but I can’t just hire you right when I see you so I’m giving it a while until I make my decision. If I don’t contact you then it means you won’t be hired but if I do then you will be, but I’m giving it a while.

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Alright, thats all I needed to know. I just didnt know if you were gonna contact.


Hello, I was wondering if you needed a modeler?

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Oh no I don’t think we’ll be needing a modeler.

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I didn’t think this would be enough so I’ll be making a bit more of my game then I’ll make another post for recruitment I just thought I should just some pictures of my game. And also to be more read, with other things. I’ll be posting in a few days.

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You aren’t supposed to make 2 posts and instead bump the first and edit it.

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What do you mean two posts. If I edit my first one whatever it is there’ll still be comments in the topic. Or are you talking about my comment posts.

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When you said this I got a little confused.

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That’s because idk when I’ll make another post if it goes over 14 days this topic will close so I said that. Sometimes some things occur and I have to delay some things and after a long time this topic will close 14 days after the last reply.


The topic is closed I just had three people sending me a friend request. Also means I’m not recruiting anyone.

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