Clothing Template from Clothing Id

I’m currently working on a clothing display that generates random clothing(set via table). My problem is that while the game is running, it does not convert the shirt URL to the template. Is there any way I can fix this? I’ve tried InsertService:LoadAsset, but it doesn’t work for clothing.

You can insert clothing using InsertService:
local asset = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(ClothingId)
asset.Parent = workspace

This will give you something like this


Did you try it yourself? when I put in the code, I got “HTTP 403 (Forbidden)

I use this in my own game, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

I believe this is referring to models if you’re trying to load those in.
For shirts and pants it should work if they are on sale.

Ok, NOW it works. I just forgot one digit in the id. thanks for the help.

Edit: My clothing stand is complete. Thanks for your help.

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