Cmdr: A fully extensible and type safe command console for Roblox Developers

Hello there, How do i add more commands like Fly, Unfly, shutdown, spawn [Car Name], give [Gun Name] give [Admin, Mod] how? and an Countdown to. How do i add those?


  • Shutdown
  • Fly
  • Unfly
  • Give [Gun Name]
  • Spawn [Car Name]
  • Fling
  • Blind
  • Spy
  • Unspy

Moderation Commands
Trolling Commands
Utility Pack
Server Commands

How do i add more commands like this? is there any models? for free?

The only commands found public are the ones that shipped with Cmdr.

If you want more commands, they have to be made yourself.

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Well im not really familiar with Lua Scripting.

Then this isn’t the right resource for you, you should use some complete admin system then. This is a help to make your own.

Ok thank you so much @Maxi130TV

I am sorry if that might have sounded rude, but it is just facts. Explaining how to do all of that would take a lot of time and would be very complicated.

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That’s alright, But do you know how to code those commands?

Yes, I do. At least some of them.

Hey! I would use nexus admin, it usees cmdr but it has some of the commands you want, so it is cmdr but it has pre-added commands and more. Nexus Admin - Roblox

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Hello, sorry if I am late, if you are still having this issue, try this solution:
Alright, so, first things first, in the same place where you made your “Commands” folder make a “Hooks” folder.
Then, in the script that requires CmdR add the following line:

Cmdr:RegisterHooksIn( <path to the hooks folder you just made> )

Then in the Hooks folder create a new ModuleScript, this script will house our AfterRun hook, you can name it whatever you want, it doesn’t affect it.
Now, inside this module script is where we’ll make our hook, to make the AfterRun hook you want to type in the following code:

return function(registry)
	registry:RegisterHook("AfterRun", function(context)
		print("Command " .. context.Name .. " has been used by " .. context.Executor.Name .. " (ID: " .. context.Executor.UserId .. ")")
		-- You would replace the print function above with the appropiate code for logging commands.
		-- What I placed in simply logs them to the Developer Console.

All appropriate documentation at:
API Reference: Cmdr | Cmdr
BeforeRun hook: Hooks | Cmdr
Command Context: CommandContext | Cmdr


This Module does a great job! But I do not recommend it for beginners because it is so complex or rather confusing that it is useless. And the documentation is even worse.

Cmdr is designed specifically so that you can write your own commands and argument types, so that it can fit right in with the rest of your game. In addition to the standard moderation commands (teleport, kill, kick, ban), Cmdr is also great for debug commands in your game (say, if you wanted to have a command to give you a weapon, reset a round, teleport you between places in your universe).

There is literally a guide to help you set up this console. It is absolutely not useless for beginners(it comes with default commands?), and there are tutorials on YouTube if you need help.

I’m not gonna argue with you, And I’ve seen how this thing works, But my point stays as it is although good luck with this module.

I guess you have skill issue mate


Cmdr is a really great resource but the documentation is just so vague and just makes it harder to understand. The only reason I was able to understand was because of some guy that made a YouTube video on how to set Cmdr up and then I learned creating custom commands on my own.

That’s true, the documentation is vague but if you join their discord server, they will always tell it’s perfectly useful

Cmdr’s Documentation is vague but it’s useful in some cases.

I do like the look and general feel of CMDR, it reminds me a bit of idTech and Bethesda developer consoles.

Developer Consoles (and CMDR) are something that influences me in my approach for UI design of utilities.

And they’ll tell you not to follow youtube videos, but not give a reason

you can actually read the code and get the examples off of there!

the buitin commands should be able to help you!!

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