Code Assist Beta: AI powered code completion

Wait, why is it using semicolons on the last few lines? I don’t remember Luau using them at the end of lines


It doesn’t seem to work for me. I have restarted Studio as well as my computer multiple times.

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Doesn’t seem to work, I type this:

– make a receipt for my dev product for the id: “1504961992” and have a function that will award benefits, that I will fill in later

And nothing happens


Have u tried and add some code into your script first?


It still has a way to go, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. ChatGPT wasn’t born overnight either. Give it time and it will be awesome. You guys are going to regret it because by then we would not need scripters anymore.


The feature does not seem to work for me… I am in beta and it is turned on. Wonder if I did anything?

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I don’t see anything on here about deprecation of :connect

@matt1020304050 you need at least some code in the script to get a completion – let us know if this doesn’t work?

local Part sun = script.Parent
local Part earth = sun.Earth
local distance = (earth.Position - sun.Position).Magnitude

-- make the earth circle the sun around the y axis every 20 seconds
-- maintain the current distance between the earth and sun
-- update the rotation every 1/60s
local function orbitEarth()

You need at least some code in the script to get a completion – let us know if this doesn’t work?

local Part sun = script.Parent
local Part earth = sun.Earth
local distance = (earth.Position - sun.Position).Magnitude

-- make the earth circle the sun around the y axis every 20 seconds
-- maintain the current distance between the earth and sun
-- update the rotation every 1/60s
local function orbitEarth()

It be nice if it didn’t require code, because right now it makes more sense to just use ChatGPT.

I find the auto complete never does what I’m actually thinking of doing, or it does it wrong. But hope it improves in the future.

personally i would not use chatgpt as its outdated with information or not trained enough for roblox atleast
here is some proof
i asked them the same thing
ChatGPT :

Roblox AI :

Conclusion is that :
Roblox AI will reply better if you explain it well

ChatGPT will try to reply at any cost but not have the best result


Would be cool to get a CoPilot partnership instead



This better not ever change. Our server scripts often store secrets like API keys or private domains. It’d also be disappointing if it just gave our ideas away.


Is this just for script suggestions? Or will we be able to type --make this for me, for example and then it’d make us a script without us having written code in it already?

That’s not how you use the system mate, the post said it finds it hard to make things from scratch. It’s an intelligent autocomplete.


This is really Fun to use! But also it Kills coding It makes players who put hours and hours of hard work into basically nothing.

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In the example in the post, it shows this. It’s also a very simple task, it should be able to understand it.

I’m finding this quite handy for little mathy things I’m too tired to fully think out right now.


I think it’s neat for someone starting off, not as useful for an experienced programmer but it can come in handy at time as far as I can see.


But also it Kills coding It makes players who put hours and hours of hard work into basically nothing.

@JWolf4218 I hope not… IMO code assist only really targets “solved problems”. The idea is to eliminate or reduce the more tedious work so creators/scripters are free to focus on the things that will make their work really stand out. Thanks!