Code Issues - How to Placement System

Hello! I would like to place the handle of my tool on a specific part using a placement system. Could someone please lend a hand? :pray:

server script:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local placeToolEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("placeObject")

placeToolEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, tool)
	if player.Team.Name == "Team 1" then
		-- Placing the handle of my tool on a specific part.
		warn(player.Name .. " does not have permission to place the tool.")


-- Assume that Cooking_Buttons_List is a GUI with buttons, and FrameToShowHide is the frame to show/hide
local button = script.Parent
local frameToShowHide = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Loading_UI

local placeToolEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("placeObject")

-- Duration in seconds to show the frame
local showDuration = 3

-- Reference to the tool in ReplicatedStorage
local specificTool = game.ReplicatedStorage.Tools:WaitForChild("Flash Light")  -- Replace "YourSpecificTool" with the actual name of your tool

-- Function to show the frame and hide it after a specified time
local function showAndHideFrame()
	print("Showing the frame...")
	frameToShowHide.Visible = true  -- Show the frame

	wait(showDuration)  -- Wait for the specified time

	print("Hiding the frame...")
	frameToShowHide.Visible = false  -- Hide the frame after the specified time

	-- Add the specific tool to the player's backpack
	local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	if player and specificTool then
		print("Adding the specific tool to the player's backpack...")
		local toolClone = specificTool:Clone()
		toolClone.Parent = player.Backpack
		warn("Player or specific tool not found.")

	if specificTool then
		warn("The specific tool is not found in the player's inventory.")

-- Connect the function to the MouseButton1Down event of the button
	print("Button clicked, initiating showAndHideFrame function...")

How can I continue my script to implement a placement system?

You are trying to set where the handle of the part is in code or can you just use the editor in studio?

Or if I am understanding you correctly, you want to place the tool on the ground, if so have you looked into this? Creating A Furniture Placement System