Code issues - Random Spawn "Zombie"

Now it works!! LOL I can’t believe that was it xD thanks you a lot! :smiley: How could I make the spawnpart move all over the basepale?

You could duplicate the spawn part and put them at random locations on the baseplate.

How could I make the spawnpart move all over the basepale?

You can adjust range by the way.

local Spawner = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“Spawner”)
local Range = 300
while true do
Spawner.Position =,Range/2),50,math.random(-Range/2,Range/2))

Create another script in ServerScriptService and paste this in.

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Thanks you a lot guys!! :smiley: Thanks for taking the time and helping me, really :frowning:

Yes, it works perfectly, thank you very much! :smiley: