Sure i can do that
local votes = script.Parent.Count.Value
How can I make each player vote by pressing the button? let it be your personal vote
Yes - you’d have to do this locally with Local Scripts. It is not a good idea to add server scripts into Guis, or use server scripts to modify GUIs.
Do you think you can help me with that? Please, I’ve been looking for a solution for weeks …
Sure thing - this one time I’ll do the heavy lifting, however please in future try to engineer it yourself!
Firstly - put the server script in ServerScriptService.
Then, put the Con1 RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage. Call it “VoteEvent”
LocalScript Code:
-- Click on vote 1
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local VoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteEvent')
local GlobalVoteCounter = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteCounter')
local VoteButton = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Vote1')
local VoteCount = script.Parent:WaitForChild('VoteCount1')
VoteCount.Text = "The vote number is: " .. tostring(GlobalVoteCounter.Value)
VoteCount.Text = "The vote number is: " .. tostring(Value)
ServerScript Code:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local VoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteEvent')
local GlobalVoteCounter ="IntValue")
GlobalVoteCounter.Name = "VoteCounter"
GlobalVoteCounter.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
if GlobalVoteCounter.Value == 0 then
GlobalVoteCounter.Value += 1
print("votes = 0 -> "..GlobalVoteCounter.Value)
Yes - you added it in that way in your original code. Remove the if statement and it’ll function fine.
-- Click on vote 1
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local VoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteEvent')
local GlobalVoteCounter = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteCounter')
local VoteButton = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Vote1')
local VoteCount = script.Parent:WaitForChild('VoteCount1')
VoteCount.Text = "The vote number is: " .. tostring(GlobalVoteCounter.Value)
VoteCount.Text = "The vote number is: " .. tostring(Value)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local VoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteEvent')
local GlobalVoteCounter ="IntValue")
GlobalVoteCounter.Name = "VoteCounter"
GlobalVoteCounter.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
if GlobalVoteCounter.Value == 0 then
GlobalVoteCounter.Value += 1
print("votes = 0 -> "..GlobalVoteCounter.Value)
still not working what’s wrong?
As I said - you didn’t remove the if statement…
this? i did it and it doesn’t work
Remove the if statement that’s checking if the votes are zero.
is it good? or i’m wrong?
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local VoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteEvent')
local GlobalVoteCounter ="IntValue")
GlobalVoteCounter.Name = "VoteCounter"
GlobalVoteCounter.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
GlobalVoteCounter.Value = 1
if GlobalVoteCounter.Value == 0 then
GlobalVoteCounter.Value += 1
print("votes = 0 -> "..GlobalVoteCounter.Value)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local VoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('VoteEvent')
local GlobalVoteCounter ="IntValue")
GlobalVoteCounter.Name = "VoteCounter"
GlobalVoteCounter.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
GlobalVoteCounter.Value += 1
print("votes = " .. GlobalVoteCounter.Value - 1 .. " -> " .. GlobalVoteCounter.Value)
That works makes the +1 but how do I get each player to vote only 1 time?
player vote vote → +1 (1 vote)
player 2 vote → +1 (1 vote)
only 1 vote for every player
What this script does is increase +1 repeatedly for each player
You would have to make an array where you store the users that have voted and check if a user has already voted or not. If he hasn’t you let him vote. Then whenever the vote is done, clear the array.
and what about to make a int value with a parent for each player, is it good and works?
Wouldn’t this code just keep adding to the value? What if they already voted and want to undo their vote?
The best way I could think of is adding an INT value to every player upon joining. Let’s say 0 == no vote
, 1-3 == voted
. In a local script containing the mouse events, you can fire a remote event TO the server with the parameter of what they voted for.
You want to check for server-side validation to make sure the vote is valid, and if it IS valid, you can toggle their vote.
Here’s a demo of what it looks like: vote.rbxl (27.5 KB)
Feel free to study how the voting system works. It’s incredibly simple.
This has a lot of flexibility since it is an actual instance value. After the voting ends, you can make ALL the player’s Vote value 0 and update the client.
It’s also not easy to exploit since it TOGGLES the client’s vote, so they can’t just spam a bunch of requests with one particular vote and expect it to keep increasing the vote count.
Thank you very much, this worked … it is quite difficult to read the script but it will take me time to learn, thanks you a lot!
Haha, I should’ve added more comments looking back on it, but if you need me to explain any particular line(s) of code, I would gladly help you out with that.