Code Minimap Plugin


  • Rewritten internals to be more performant and hopefully have fewer edge case behaviors.
  • New UI that matches Studio’s design and is more intuitive!


Thank you for creating this! It will be helpful to me, especially as my scripts are getting longer and longer…

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I have brought both your outline plugin and minimap plugin, but I have a request. Can you please make a feature that lets you increase the selection scope, because you can only click a line which is very hard to click on a specific line and if the preview is small to capture the entire script. Make it like vs code where you can select the part that is visible in screen rather than a certain line.

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Is there a way to change the color of it(showing the errors and other stuff) for colorblind people?

This is actually a good idea… and shouldn’t be too hard… just add an image label next to a line of code where an error would be found, and also could make it toggleable.

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It’s not really a bug but the keyword “plugin” isn’t colored correctly.


Roblox used to color that as a keyword incorrectly (so I intentionally did the same), I’m glad to see that’s improved!

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would this be updated with the new ScriptDocument API? i’m curious as these things don’t really work for team create. thanks!

I’ll put that on my todo list, thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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This plugin has been completely remade from scratch! Now it uses the new Roblox ScriptDocument APIs so it supports Team Create and shows your viewport position. Slightly improved the UI as well! (Also uses Wally and Fusion now so it doesn’t pain me to maintain)

Thank you to @reimakesgames for reminding me!


While changing my script editor themes I’ve found that the codeminimap now shows all text as black on the preview, this is shown on the image attached:

I’m not sure if its my fault it’s like that but I assume not.


I didn’t even know that plugins can let you do all of this. Like, the Plugin Security Identity.

Wait why is there _Index just like there is in CoreScripts? What tool generates these?