it doesn’t say it needs and update and even with everything disable it still crashed
Can you DM me a model/place file of whatever it is you’re trying to convert and let me know what settings you’re using (i.e. framework, and any datatype formats if you’ve changed them from the default; a screenshot will be fine!), and I’ll see if I can replicate this and figure out what’s going on?
the model is just a part and I do not think I’ve changed any settings in the plugin
That’s an issue with how the TextLabel sizes are computed as AutomaticSize and UIFlex weren’t a thing back when Codify was created ~5 years ago. It shouldn’t be causing any crashes, however.
I can’t seem to reproduce the issue you’re having at all, and haven’t had any other bug reports regarding crashes, but I think I’m going to update Codify to use a more modern UI structure and refactor some of the internals to increase performance, which will hopefully fix the issues you’re experiencing.
Could it be another plugin you have installed interfering? If you disable your other plugins and leave only Codify activated, do you still experience crashes?
some how my roblox studio settings were the issue and it wasn’t even a beta feature lol. I decided to reset all of my settings and set them again and it seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the quick responses though
Ah perfect! I’m glad you found the issue haha
thanks sorry for the inconvenience