Codify - Convert anything to Luau, TypeScript, Fusion, React, Vide, Rojo

by the way, for the demo plugin there is no option to “save on your device”, is this intended?

That was not intentional. I’ve updated the demo version to restore the “Save to Module” option. You can save it to file manually by right-clicking the created ModuleScript in the Explorer window and selecting the “Save to File…” option from the context menu.

alright, i’ll try it now (it’s on the version right?)

It is indeed. I can’t actually publish the demo version to the Creator Store as the anti-fraud AI flags it and blocks it from being distributed.

this is really cool, but what happens if the script is larger than 20,000 characters?

There’s not much I can do in that instance. If you’re reaching the script character limit, even exporting to device will not work, since that system still relies on scripts.

I’m looking into ways to export to third-party services for the full version of Codify v3 (e.g. Pastebin, GitHub Gist), but if you’re hitting those character limits, you should probably look into splitting up into smaller components. You really shouldn’t have components that large.

UIDragDetectors appear to error.

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Got it. Will look into this asap.

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UIFlexItems also do it, seems like any of the newer instances are not supported.

My suggestion is to detect errors for unknown instances, then just skip over them and warn the user

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Will investigate when I get a spare minute. UIDragDetectors are in beta, so this may be why they’re not showing up and I’ll see if I can find a way to work around that. Not sure why UIFlexItems aren’t showing, but I’ll try and issue a patch for both of these.

UIGradients are also broken, when I run this code (generated by Codify Demo):

local uIGradient ="UIGradient")
uIGradient.Name = "UIGradient"
uIGradient.Color ={, 1, 1), 0),, 0.898, 0.486), 0.656),, 1, 1), 1)

I get this error:

ColorSequence:4: invalid argument #1 to 'new' (number expected, got Color3)

ah my bad. I got the arguments the wrong way round! I’ll patch that soon too!

are you using loadstring, or require, or something else blacklisted in the plugin? (it auto-flags it if it uses loadstring)

nope. it’s because the source is almost identical for both the paid and demo versions. it’s basically flagging the demo because it’s too similar to the paid version

great, let me know when you fix it!

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