Codify - Convert anything to Luau, TypeScript, Fusion, React, Vide, Rojo


Haven’t used this plugin in quite a while, today i wanted to codify some instances into Fusion, unfortunately something seems to be not working on my end as the “Working on it…” message never goes away and the code is never generated. No errors in output, HTTP and studio API requests are all enabled and the plugin has all neccessary permissions.

Any idea what could be causing that?

When do you think support for vide will come out?

I’m not sure! It could have been a fault on Roblox’s end. In the latest version I’ve enabled the HTTP manager to print an error if it fails, so you’ll be able to share any errors logged to the output with me.

I’ve just published v2.4.5 which includes basic Vide support :sparkling_heart: :tada:

Version 2.4.4

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  • Added a toggle to remove the return prefix from generated snippets. Find it under Settings → Generation → Include Return for supported frameworks.
  • Enabled HTTP module to output errors in the event of failure.
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Version 2.4.5

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  • :tada: Added foundational support for Vide.

Seems like the free version has been removed or is private?

It seems to be have been moderated. I’m not sure why as it’s almost exactly the same as the paid version, but I’ve appealed it. Will update the thread when it’s available again.

The free version is also available via Itch (under the demo link) if you’re happy manually installing it.

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Ah, I didn’t scroll down entirely that page. My bad!

Hello, I have been using this plugin for a while and it seems like it’s not working right now. When I tried to generate snippet into Fusion, it was stuck in the “working on it” message. I don’t see any errors in the output and I am on version 2.4.5. Is there any way to fix it?


I’m not entirely sure what causes this bug, but there will be a different backend implementation in the v3 update, which is currently being worked on, that should fix this and be capable of logging errors.

In the meantime, could you try restarting the plugin by disabling and re-enabling it?

I have tried to use it on 2.4.2 and 2.4.5. None of it worked.

Do you think it would be possible to add Aegis to the conversion list? It’s a new UI library created by our team and for a few of our tests it beat out any other library with correlation to speed.


I’m exploring ways that would allow users to define and share their own custom generators in Codify v3. If Aegis is popular enough by time I release Codify3 (no timeframe yet), I’ll ensure to include it as an officially supported framework.

Having looked deeper into this it looks like the API requests are timing out, but for unknown reasons™ it’s only with Fusion specifically (in my case, where I was able to reproduce).

I’ll extend the timeout in the 2.4.6 update and have it log to the output if something goes wrong (there’s some other goodies coming too!).

For now, try generating with React (or another framework) and then switch to Fusion and regenerate. This seemed to work for me. Once you’ve done this once you shouldn’t need to do it again until the next Studio update.


Version 2.4.6

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  • :tada: Added support for Rojo JSON models (always implicit where possible)
  • Increased API dump request timeout - you will receive warnings in the output if fetching is taking a long time. It will also now timeout properly
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I’ve pushed out the v2.4.6 update which should now properly inform you if fetching the API dump is taking a long time. It will also now actually timeout after 60 seconds, giving you the opportunity to retry.

cc. @FunnyWailord25 @thenitropl

v2.4.6 includes support for Rojo JSON models. There aren’t really any configuration options in this version, but expect the ability to tweak Rojo outputs in v3.

cc. @Rocky28447 @KelvenOne

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Version 2.4.7

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This release features a slight visual overhaul:

  • Sticky framework dropdown that is accessible across both tabs
  • Sticky “Save to Device” button on the home tab
  • Replaced main UI font with Builder
  • Interactive elements now display different cursor icons (e.g. pointer for buttons, etc.)
  • Some internal component optimizations

Version 2.4.8

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Forgot to bump the version number in v2.4.7, oops!

  • Fixes oversized text in settings inputs.
  • More internal UI optimizations.
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this looks like a great product, but I realized that you’re selling it under the MIT License, you should probably change that, because your source code is public, meaning I could clone the repo and sell your plugin and you cannot do anything about it. So unless you meant it to be that way, I’d change the License, or you may not get much sales :joy: Hopefully this helps!

So anyone could just resell your code as long as they don’t claim ownership, and I’m sure that would be not ideal for you considering your selling it. Have a great day!

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The source code on GitHub is massively outdated. The v3 update that is in the works is in a new separate private repo and will not be public.


I’m sure that you’re fine with it being used, though I’d maybe create a new and edit the fine print a bit to only include use and distribution, and not sale, because really someone could just sell it even if it was outdated, or they could just build on top of it and create a product using your code and then sell it.

But if that’s fine by you that’s alright, I was just making sure you were aware, as someone whose been programming for about 5 years now I’ve had plenty of run ins where people disrespect my code or fraudulently use it, so I just like to make people aware. Have a great day!