Coin Spawning Rarities

Is there possibly somewhere that I missed that specifies the amount of items there are?

You are missing the , after every rarity. Make sure you put them after every Value inside the table expect the last.

local Table = {
   ["Player1"] = "OriChanRBLX",
   ["Player2"] = "No One", -- Missing
   ["Player3"] = "lol"

Great! That fixed that error, but there’s one more here.

Once again, I’m so sorry for taking up so much of your time.

Oh, there is no Coin with that specific type. For example, if you have different rarities like Gold, Brozen, God,… then you will need to have different coins like GoldCoin, BrozenCoin, GodCoin, … and store it inside the CoinStorage. Make sure it’s a part not model.

Well, these coins are made up a few pieces. All of them except for “Infi” have 2 pieces, the meshpart, and the neon. The “Infi” has a flipped normals for a cel-shading effect, the meshpart, and the neon.

Then you will to change the code that change it position from ClonedCoin.Position =, 100), 1, math.random(1, 100)) to ClonedCoin.PrimaryPart.CFrame =, 100), 1, math.random(1, 100))… Make sure you welds all the part together and change the model PrimaryPart to the Base part

Ok, so with the Clone error, do I have to add the names of all the coins into the parentheses following “Clone”?

No, you just need to add different coins which name have this following recipe Rarity+Coin like GoldCoin, BrozenCoin, …

Into the CoinStorage not the :Clone() xd

Ok, now I’ve done that, but it says:

Workspace.Script:94: attempt to index nil with 'CFrame'

Have you set the Models Achivable to all True?

I forgot to do the primary parts.

Now finally there are no errors, but I don’t see any coins. Is there a timer for when one spawns in the script?

You can put all of them inside the loop with wait(time) function.

while wait(5) do -- Every 5 seconds
   -- Put the spawn scripts here

Okay, I want to send this to you to make sure everything is correctly done.

	function RandomWithPercentage(LootTable)
	if LootTable then
		local Total_Percentage = 0
		for _, total_percent in pairs(LootTable) do
			Total_Percentage += total_percent

		if Total_Percentage == 100 then
			local WeightedLootTable = {}

			-- Get Multiplys

			local WeightedMultiplys = 1
			for _, percentage in pairs(LootTable) do
				if percentage < 1 then
					local TotalMultiplied = 0

					for i = 0, 10 do
						if percentage < 1 then
							percentage *= 10
							TotalMultiplied += 1
					if TotalMultiplied > WeightedMultiplys then
						WeightedMultiplys = TotalMultiplied

			-- Multiplying WeightedTable

			for item, percentage in pairs(LootTable) do
				local WeightedPercentage = percentage
				for i = 0, WeightedMultiplys do
					WeightedPercentage *= 10

				WeightedLootTable[item] = WeightedPercentage

			-- Doing a Double Check

			local Smallest_Percent = math.huge
			for _, percentage in pairs(WeightedLootTable) do
				if percentage < Smallest_Percent then
					Smallest_Percent = percentage

			if Smallest_Percent > 10 then
				for item, percentage in pairs(WeightedLootTable) do
					WeightedLootTable[item] = percentage / 10

			-- Randomizing

			local sum = 0

			for k, v in pairs(WeightedLootTable) do
				sum = sum + v

			local r = math.random(sum)

			for k, v in pairs(WeightedLootTable) do
				r = r - v

				if r <= 0 then
					return k
		warn("Randomizing requires a loot table!")

local CoinRarity = {
	["Bronze"] = 45, -- Have 70% to spawn
	["Silver"] = 33, -- Have 33% to spawn
	["Gold"] = 13, -- Have 30% to spawn
	["Diamond"] = 5, -- Have 5% to spawn
	["God"] = 3, -- Have 3% to spawn
	["Infi"] = 1 -- Have 1% to spawn
local CoinStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage.CoinFolder-- Where you store the coins

local RandomCoinType = RandomWithPercentage(CoinRarity)

local CoinMeshes = CoinStorage:FindFirstChild(RandomCoinType.."Coin") -- If it give Gold rarity, then you should have a Coin meshes named ```GoldCoin```.
local ClonedCoin = CoinMeshes:Clone()
	ClonedCoin.PrimaryPart.CFrame =, 100), 1, math.random(1, 100))

No errors, and no coins

You haven’t give where will it spawn. Give the ClonedCoin a Parent which is workspace

Is ClonedCoin a part, or a coin model

Its a Model and give it a parent inside Workspace

As so?

Bro, you should learn about how to script.

local CoinMeshes = CoinStorage:FindFirstChild(RandomCoinType.."Coin") -- If it give Gold rarity, then you should have a Coin meshes named ```GoldCoin```.
local ClonedCoin = CoinMeshes:Clone()
ClonedCoin.PrimaryPart.CFrame =, 100), 1, math.random(1, 100))
ClonedCoin.Parent = workspace
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Thank you so much. Sorry to be an annoyance, I’m trying to take small steps at a time. I’ll credit you if I ever get my game out