Collect Answers and then send to discord

Hello developers,

I am wondering how I can send information that a player has inputted to a discord channel through webhook. Here is the script that I’ve got to send the webhook but I don’t know how to get the information that the player has put in onto the embedded message.

local webhook = "" -- Webhook here
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local plr = game:GetService("Player")

local sendanswers = {
	["content"] = '',
	["embeds"] = {{
		["title"] = "**""** Answer's",
		["description"] = "",
		["color"] = 15636761,
sendanswers = http:JSONEncode(sendanswers)
http:PostAsync(webhook, sendanswers)

This will be sent as soon as the submit button with all the answers in one and not as the player goes through each question.

If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could suggest something, just to inform you it will be done on a 1 person server.

Hm, you can always make a neat format. You could send data to the server via a remote event or something and then organize a table with the answers from there, make sure it’s less than 2000 characters (assuming that’s the limit) or if it exceeds 2k, you can probably send a webhook with the rest of the information.

I’ll try to post a webhook format here so you can take a look.

Here’s an example. Sorry for the long delay, took a while to write the necessary. Check the comments I made at the end of the script.

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Webhook = "LINK_HERE"

local function GetCurrentTime()
	local CurrentTime ="!*t")
	local Hour = CurrentTime.hour
	local Minute = CurrentTime.min
	local Second = CurrentTime.sec
	local Day =
	local Month = CurrentTime.month
	local Year = CurrentTime.year
	if Hour < 10 then
		Hour = 0 .. Hour
	if Minute < 10 then
		Minute = 0 .. Minute
	if Second < 10 then
		Second = 0 .. Second
	if Day < 10 then
		Day = 0 .. Day
	if Month < 10 then
		Month = 0 .. Month
	if Year < 10 then
		Year = 0 .. Year
	return ("%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%sZ"):format(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second)

local Base = [[**Username:** [%s](
**Game:** [%s](

local function GetBustThumb(Player)
	return (""):format(Player.UserId)

local function GetHeadshotThumb(Player)
	return (""):format(Player.UserId)

local function SendWebhook(Player, Data)
	local Options = {}
	Options.timestamp = GetCurrentTime()
	Options.description = Base:format(
		Player.Name or "N/A",
		Player.UserId or 0,
	Options.footer = {
		icon_url = "",
		text = "Form Logs"
	Options.thumbnail = {
		url = GetBustThumb(Player)
	} = {
		name = Player.Name,
		url = "" .. Player.UserId .. "/profile",
		icon_url = GetHeadshotThumb(Player)
	local List = ""
	for i,v in pairs(Data) do
		List = List .. "Question " .. i .. ") " .. v.Question .. "\n" .. "Answer: " .. v.Answer .. "\n\n"
	Options.fields = {
		{name = "RESPONSE", value = List, inline = true}
	local HookData = {
		username = Player.Name,
		avatar_url = GetHeadshotThumb(Player),
		embeds = {Options}
	HookData["content"] = Player.Name .. " sent in a new response!"
	local Success, Error = pcall(function()
		HookData = HttpService:JSONEncode(HookData)
		HttpService:PostAsync(Webhook, HookData)
	if not Success then

--// Data \\--

local Data = {
		Question = "Are you testing?",
		Answer = "Yes!"
		Question = "Should you use this?",
		Answer = "Maybe."

-- The example above is the data being sent to the server. It must use that format or else it won't work, unless you change the script.
-- Use a RemoteEvent to send the data, make the client handle the Data table before sending to the server.
-- You can filter the messages to make sure players won't send NSFW responses.

Final product:



While what @Avanthyst sent might answer your question, keep this in mind: Discord is not a logging service. Do not treat it as such. It’s also worth noting that Discord has blocked Roblox server requests in the past.

Check this post out.

1 Like

Thank you so much, I will definitely look into it and I do appreciate your input, it’s been very helpfull! :smiley:

Ok, Its not being used as just that, but that you for making me aware.

Hello, so when I am sending the information from the gui to the script there, should I use multiple events like 1 event per question or just 1 event all together?

Yeah, that too. Thank you for bringing this up. Also I see it’s your anniversary (Devforum) so congrats!


Just use one event, you can have the table made there, and just replace the “Answer” part for such question.

1 Like

Alright, thank you so much, I have just added a quick addition of

local Data = {
		Question = "Are you testing?",
		Answer = "Yes!"
		Question = "Should you use this?",
		Answer = Answer2


local rs = game.ReplicatedStorage.QuestionAns


And then in the client-side script I just added this,

local RS = game.ReplicatedStorage.QuestionAns
local Answer2 = script.Parent.Parent.Answers.TextBox.Text


Furthermore, I don’t really get where I can add a submit button as I can’t really seem to find the needed scripting for it. As I am not the best at scripting I don’t really know where to put it.

What do you mean by you can’t add a submit button?

A button in the game so a player can send their answers off to discord.