Collideable Particles FX [V4.02 cleanup]

Yet another !!!WARNING!!!
It looks like there was a bug in this module from the Release Version. When particle emitter was Off for a long time, and then if you would turn it On, it would Crash Roblox. Now this issue is Fixed. Sorry for a lot of bugs, but now there shouldn’t be any.

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> Have I Ever Wanted To Have A Shower In ROBLOX?




Putting FilterDescendantsInstances outside heartbeat broke the Module, i don’t know why, but your second idea was able to give me 8 more FPS


There should also be occlusion culling. In other words, particles not visible from the Camera will not update.

I think there’s a method in Camera to detect this.


I think this might make the particles unstable.

Update 2.2
-Added new property called EveryFrame. It is actually a function that can be used to change particles properties every frame. You can now Change Color, Size, Transparency, Material and other properties! For more info see Properties section that is in the Topic.

You can prevent the unstable particles by updating them, but you don’t update the visual particles if they are off the screen, just a non-visual one.

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You mean that i should update their visual position when they are in front of camera?

Update 2.3
-Added new property called CameraCulling. It makes it so that when it is enabled, particles behind camera don’t update position to save performance. Based on @SubtotalAnt8185’s idea.


Yes, as long as the camera can see it.

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very cool module i have to say, just one question though
can this be used in moving objects like for example a car? i have a car crashing system and im looking forward to implementing this into it

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Yeah, you can use it to make sparks when car crashes, or you can use it to make smoke when engine is damaged. I don’t know if that’s what you wanted to hear.

Yes thats what i wanted to hear, mostly, my main question though was if it was possible to use this module with a server script (since im seeing that the particles are being called via a local script)

Sadly it cannot be run on server. If you want, i can add Server Particles to module so that you can use them on server. Althought, i don’t know if this will be a good idea for games that don’t have optimized server code.


in that case it wouldn’t be your fault, so you could try and edit it up a bit to make it work on Server/make another one to work on Server, not sure how you would tho

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You probably shouldn’t make it on the server. However, you should integrate some sort of remote that will fire it to all clients easily.

What do you mean by saying i should integrate a remote? What it would do? Sync particles with players?

It could, but I’d recommend it just updates the particles from the server to the players, like how ParticleEmitters work.

Update 2.5
-Changed Property type of Speed and LifeTime from Number to NumberRange. It will be easier now to spawn particles with randomized Speed and LifeTime.
-Added new Property called MinimumCachce. It makes it so that number of cachced particles cannot be smaller than this value. Useful for creating Explosions without lag.

Next update will probably be the last update. There still might be some bug fixes or performance fixes but there probably won’t be any bigger updates.