Collideable Particles FX [V4.02 cleanup]

I tried to optimize your module and I believe this is as good as currently possible with my skills
I couldn’t run any benchmarks but the script itself works, so benchmarking is on you
Pastebin with optimized version

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offhand, what did you do to optimize it?


I found a typo on line 317.
local Fov = mat.rad(Cam.FieldOfView)
Roblox model.

Ifbyou are doing car code, most car code is local, as the player would have ownership, just run from there and it should update for all

Hey, here’s a cool idea that would make the process a WHOLE lot easier, (I’ve already forked & edited the module you made to include this) but when calling the :emit method, you can instead put a physical particle emitter object, and it reads that objects properties instead of needing to code all and re-create the properties again, it will automatically detect the parent object, the position, the texture, and all you would need to do is add the external property’s related to collisions.

Sup guys. I haven’t posted anything here since a long time. So, i have found something interesting in the Documentation. There is a method called GetClosestPointOnSurface

I don’t know if it is new or old but if it would return the surface normal then it would be possible to use mesh for collision instead of a box collider. What do you guys thing about this?


It must be new. I haven’t even seen it yet.

I think it’s a good idea, but I think it might have a performance impact. Still better than raycasting though.

Such a shame roblox doenst implement interactive particles. I have a flamethrower with particle emitter, the visual effect is awesome but it does not interract


Just wanna say, this is very very cool!

i haven’t tried the module yet but it looks so cool and i wonder can it work like a smoke?

Almost every particle emitters that you can make with Roblox Particles you can make using my Module. So if you made a Smoke Emitter then you can make something that looks similar in my Module.
Also there is already a smoke implementation in the showcase place. It is uncopylocked so you can copy it and just change the acceleration for particles to go up.

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oh nice i will definitely going to use this in my game rn ngl this is the most usefull framework i’ve seen, why? cuz i can make the smoke same as in the CS2 thanks to this

Development Update:
I am thinking about rewriting the code to make it cleaner and maybe try to get a little more performance. Maybe i will also implement collisions between particles from other emmiters. Also make support for built in Collision shapes and more Particles Rotation Modes.


Collision groups?
or a way to filter out invisible parts so particles don’t collide with them

Is there any way to get the collision part with OnCollision function? like returning the part that touched the particle

Sadly there is no way to get the part that collided. I didn’t implement it because i was worried about the performance. I will probably try to add this in the next version. While waiting, you can easily edit the Module Code to make OnCollide function return the part that collided.

Ahh I understand, don’t worry I will wait, your module is amazing btw :+1:

Please add like a .Touched or :GetTouchingParts for a particle. Is there a way I can directly get the Part from a particle rn as another solution?

how’d you go on doing culling, does it work like when there is objects blocking the cameras view aswell?

It only shows objects that are in camera fov, it doesn’t check if a particle is behind a object.