Collision groups not working

images (1) - 2022-09-30T095009.752
i made group for players and npcs and it works in studio (player cant collide with npc) but in game it not working (player CAN collide with npc)

There is a section here for Disabling Character Collisions: Collision Filtering | Roblox Creator Documentation
I’m not sure if it helps with NPCs though.

Here are a few forum posts I found with the Search tool:

It sometimes works but sometimes not

If it’s only working sometimes then it’s likely in your scripting.
Try posting the script you use so others can see it here and try to help.

Also, check to see if using a LocalScript or server Script makes a difference. Local scripts are only done on your computer, so often in Studio they work because everything is done there, but in game they work on Roblox’s servers so local scripts won’t do the same job.

No script i use this
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Well since players don’t exist in the game until they are added you have to script them, just like in every link I posted above…