21:46:38.486 ServerScriptService.Script:6: Expected ‘}’ (to close ‘{’ at column 11), got ‘=’ - Studio - Script:6
can you post the line that gives that error
i clicked on it and it took me to line 6
so line 6 i think is the error
replace line 6 with this
Colors = { ["Red"] = "#FF0000", ["Yellow"] = "#FFE600", ["Green"] = "#45DB00", ["Light Blue"] = "#00FFE1", ["Blue"] = "#008CFF", ["Pink"] = "#FF00FF", ["Purple"] = "#BF00FF", ["White"] = "#FFFFFF", ["Black"] = "#000000" }
ok no more error also this is my code now
local partsFolder = workspace:WaitForChild("Parts")
local colorButtons = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui").Frame
Colors = { ["Red"] = "#FF0000", ["Yellow"] = "#FFE600", ["Green"] = "#45DB00", ["Light Blue"] = "#00FFE1", ["Blue"] = "#008CFF", ["Pink"] = "#FF00FF", ["Purple"] = "#BF00FF", ["White"] = "#FFFFFF", ["Black"] = "#000000" }
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = Player
local Color = Instance.new("StringValue")
Color.Parent = leaderstats
Color.Name = "Color"
local function changePartColor(part, colorpicked)
print("Changing color of part:", part.Name, "to color:", colorpicked)
part.Color = Color3.new(Colors[tostring(colorpicked)])
print("New color of part:", part.Name, "is:", part.Color)
for i, Button in pairs(colorButtons:GetChildren()) do
if Button:IsA("TextButton") then
Player.leaderstats.Color.Value = Button.Name
for _, part in ipairs(partsFolder:GetChildren()) do
if part:IsA("BasePart") then
local clickDetector = Instance.new("ClickDetector")
clickDetector.Parent = part
changePartColor(part, Player.leaderstats.Color.Value)
but it doesnt work bruhhhhhhhhhhhhh
do you have any idea why its not working?
not really, but im still thinking. does the leaderboard change when you click a button?
yeah, it does change although i changed the name of every button to the color i want
hold on i think i made a mistake, change this:
to this:
part.Color = Color3.fromHex
done i changed lemme test it now
this works, but i cant find the scripts, where are they?
In the Scripts folder
oh thank you, ill try to find what the difference between the two scripts is
oh also 22:02:34.194 Unable to convert characters to hex value - Server - Script:19
ok i cant find the difference
can someone help please?
I’m still here i was just away for a bit again
oh ok